Monday, August 31, 2015

All Lives Matter, Dammit!

Nothing infuriates me more than to see a bunch of FOOLS dancing down the street screaming “Black lives matter!” Of COURSE black lives matter. But WHITE lives matter, too! And those fools get mad when you point that out. So do “blue lives.” But they don't think so, which is why some of them so quickly respond to those two fools on the radio promoting cop killing (who should be jailed because they were fomenting MURDER), while the president hints that he approves. One of them walked up BEHIND an innocent cop who was just filling his gas tank and shot him in the head. Then after he fell, he kept firing, pumping about 15 bullets into his already dead body, before running away like the coward he is. The cop never knew he was there, and didn't have a chance when this coward sneaked up BEHIND him. In New York, another fool shot two cops (both of them minorities) who were sitting in their patrol car. There was no provocation in either case, it was just premeditated MURDER. And how do they figure that's better than a cop killing a black man in SELF-DEFENSE? They may have gotten away with it for now, but I promise you it will not turn out well for them in the long run. These people are playing right into Obama's hands in his efforts to get a race war started so he can declare martial law and just “take over. If they don't think they will be the first ones to die when he does, they are sadly mistaken. They're just pawns in his game. They THINK they're winning, but pretty soon, those killing cops will not be arrested. They will be shot “while resisting arrest.” And they will have it coming. (CNN)

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