Saturday, August 1, 2015

Nets Ignore IRS Scandal

At this time (July 27, 2015, as this is written) ABC, CBS, and NBC have ignored coverage of the new e-mails that PROVE the IRS not only targeted conservative non-profits, but ANYBODY who spoke or wrote against the administration or Obama (I don't know about CNN, but I'd bet they did the same.). IRS even considered auditing DONORS to the Republicans, as well. But unless you watch the “alternative media” (Fox, NewsMax, Wall St. Journal editorial page), who WILL carry stories critical of this administration, you'll never know that. And there are many people who, unless they see something about it in the (liberal) media, don't believe ANYTHING. And they don't believe the media WILL “cover up” anything the politicians do. They're naive that way. Be sure and read the linked article for details of their scam. (News Busters)

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