Sunday, August 2, 2015

Why Not Say What It Is?

Why doesn't the Obama “administration” call Ft. Hood OR Chattanooga Islamic terrorism, which it (provably) is? The Homeland Security Secretary says it's “Out of RESPECT for Muslims. They are all about peace.” What? Can he really BE that stupid? I guess he's been taking the same stupid pills Obama has been handing out to ALL “administration” members, which makes them ALL incompetent. But that's what he wants. Of course, this guy doesn't NEED Obama's stupid pills. He has his own. “Islam is a peaceful religion,” he says. Oh, yeah? The Egyptians WELCOMED Muslims into their country and they murdered thousands. The idea that Islam is a “religion of peace” is simply false propaganda put out to cover the violence they pursue every day against ANYBODY who does not believe exactly the way they think they should. (Freedom Outpost)

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