Monday, August 10, 2015

Both Were Racism!

Both Trevon Martin and Michael Brown were killed because of racism. Not the racism most people think, but the racism TAUGHT to small (and large) black boys all their lives by the adults in their lives: the “white privilege” myth that infuriates them to no end. Both boys were shuttled back and forth between family members, who all taught him that the black man was being “held down” by whites. That is the black against whites racism that seems to be rampant in the black community, and CREATES the Trevon Martins and Mike Browns who finally “snap” and decide to do something about it—with the wrong man. Martin by deciding to confront a “white enough” man who was “watching” him and was in the process of beating his head against the concrete sidewalk when that man shot and killed him, and Mike Brown by trying to take a cop's gun away from him—something that is ALWAYS a “death sentence." In both cases, the liberal media lied and twisted facts to make it SEEM like white racism against blacks was responsible, and thus created a “firestorm” of protest by others who had similarly been told all their lives the MYTH that the “White man wanted to keep the black man down,” when in reality, the white man had no such intentions. They couldn't be LESS concerned about the lives of black men. It was the inculcated black against white racism that got these two thugs killed, but they'll never admit it. They'll call ME a racist for pointing out this truth. But the man who wrote the story linked here is NOT a “white racist,” and he tells the truth. (World Net Daily/Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson)

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