Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Illegal Alien Murderers

It's not a “minor problem.” It is a MAJOR PROBLEM, and it is made worse by the actions of the STUPID politicians who make LAWS to “protect illegal aliens.” California has such laws, and they are responsible for AT LEAST 2 deaths caused by illegal aliens who have been deported multiple times and have returned through our “porous border” to murder again. Now statistics show that illegal aliens are responsible for fully ONE-THIRD of the murders in the United States. Donald Trump has been criticized for bringing this problem to the surface and FORCING the other Republican candidates to actually TALK about it. Meanwhile they excoriate Trump for “hurting the girl” at the first Republican debate, ignoring the REAL problems. “As Ann Coulter has pointed out, this is the most critical issue of the 2016 race because this is the issue that will define whether or not there will even be an American nation recognizable as the 'home of the free and land of the brave'. ”

What pains me is that people who KNOW this still vote these fools into office and re-elect them so they can continue to make laws that GUARANTEE people will die because of it. The people who do are what Rush Limbaugh calls, “low-information voters,” and I call “those who pay no attention to politics (Thus, the title to my second book, “Pay ATTENTION to Politics! Politics WILL pay attention to YOU!” It is this factor that is at the bottom of ALL our troubles: INCOMPETENT people being elected by people who have NO idea who they are and what they're likely to do, or the damage they're likely to do in their complete INCOMPETENCE. As long as there is no way to make sure ony people who PAY ATTENTION to politics and thus KNOW something about the candidates vote, it will continue. (1776 Coalition)

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