Saturday, August 15, 2015

Hillary's Got Big Troubles

She blames all her problems on “uncalled-for” Republican harassment that she has suffered for years. I got news for ya, Hillary. The REASON they have been “harassing” you for years is because of all the crimes you've committed and have continuously “stonewalled” them on. Until you answer some of the questions they've raised, they will continue to “harass” you. Now you've got REALLY big problems. The prosecutor who took General Patraeus down is now looking into YOUR e-mail scandal and no amount of phony BLANK server “turning over” isn't going to deflect him. Trump is predictably jumping right on that, and rightly so. For somebody under CRIMINAL investigation to SERIOUSLY run for president, and expect to win it ludicrous. But Hillary is doing it, because she thinks the “fix” is still in and she can do nothing to keep her from being nominated. But even without her CRIMINAL activities, I think Trump is the one who can “take her down.” For my part, your crack about Banghazi “not mattering” eliminated you forever from gaining the presidency, or any other elective office, including dog catcher. (Town Hall)

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