Sunday, August 23, 2015

Soros Is A Menace:

Democrats like to say Donald Trump is a menace, since he is “filthy rich” and doesn't need the money the “king makers” hand out to buy politicians. He could “buy and sell” all of them. But he only spends his money to make more. George Soros is also “filthy rich.” And he spends multi-millions of dollars to help destroy America every chance he gets. Anywhere there is racial strife, you can count on Soros' money to be behind it. Wherever fools gather to riot and loot, you'll find PAID rioters who come from all over at his expense.Remember that fool who took shots at cops and got shot for his trouble in Ferguson, MO? No, I'm not talking about Michael Brown. I'm talking about the one who took out a gun and fired on the cops in a recent riot.

I don't know if he was PAID by Soros to be there. I only know Molly Gott, who is KNOWN to have paid protesters to protest in the past, bailed this guy out in a previous case where he was guilty of stealing a car, a gun, and resisting arrest, therefore setting up the situation in which he tried to kill some cops. This is a guy who BRAGGED that he “made his money by stealing.” Soros money can be found anywhere there is unrest. Racial or otherwise. He uses race as a “cloak” to cover up his intentions while doing everything he can to disrupt America and fool with its money. He has caused the financial destruction of FIVE countries in the past, and has profited handsomely from it. I don't know what he's after, maybe just more money. But everything he does seems to hurt America. It's a good thing he's as old as he is. He won't be around much longer. (Human Events)

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