Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Yet Another Bush?

Unlike many others, I tend to think the two Bushes who have BEEN president didn’t do too bad a job. I DO have my problems with both. though. Higher taxes with the elder, and being against stem cell research and the "we'll buy your medicine" (Part D) for the younger. Certainly, neither are conservatives. But do we need yet ANOTHER BUSH in the presidency? If somebody hadn't killed two Kennedys and scared the hell out of the third, we might have had three Kennedys in a row in the White House. To elect Jeb Bush is the heights of laziness on the part of Republican voters. They rejected Sarah Palin out of hand because the liberals told them to. Her first speech before the convention was the best I’ve ever heard from a candidate, before McCain “muzzled” her. I never heard much good out of her after that during the campaign. But to nominate yet another Bush is laziness on the part of the Republican “ruling class.” They probably think it’s “his turn.” The Republicans better start looking at REAL Republicans, instead of the “party hacks” they’re looking at, now, if they want to win. They’re SQUANDERING a “landslide victory” by continuing to look at things as LOSERS do. They’d better “wake up.” (News Max)

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