Saturday, December 20, 2014

Lots of Stupid People

There are many stupid people in this world, and most of them are in our universities, having been taught hatred by their liberal, sometimes even communist or terrorist professors. Some are simply terrorists who have either somehow escaped punishment for their actions, or have just “waited out the system” and gotten out of prison. In any case, they pump POISON into the heads of these impressionable youths, who have not been ON this Earth long enough to have the wisdom to see through their BS. So you get the kind of answer to “polls” as is illustrated in this article, where they are told that people who oppose ILLEGAL immigration are against ALL immigration and should consequently be deported INSTEAD of those who are here ILLEGALLY. Why the universities keep hiring these fools would be beyond me if I didn’t understand that the people who DO the hiring are just as stupid as they are. (Freedom Force)

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