Saturday, December 13, 2014

"Honoring" Bloody Murderers

Abu Jamal and his cousin Ghassan murdered five Jews in a synagogue and were killed by Israeli cops. Now Palestinian “Authority” wants their bodies back so they can “honor” them. Talk about BRASS! You send killers in to massacre people in a place of worship, and when they’re killed, you demand the bodies back so you can “honor” them. Muslims really take the cake in their arrogant attitude. For my part, the bodies can be thrown out in the dumpster with the rest of the trash, then covered with bacon. Then jump on them with both feet (a major insult to a Muslim). They deserve nothing better. Or maybe they could make a display of those bodies, with a couple of pigs beside them and have it travel all over Israel. Then spread bacon all over the border crossings from Palestinian territory into Israel and DARE them to cross. Meanwhile, locate their rocket firing places and bombard them with bacon. (World Net Daily)

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