Thursday, December 18, 2014

Some Politicians Just Imbeciles

They’d have to be, to invite an ATHEIST to “give an invocation” for a meeting. But they did at a Lake Worth, Florida City Commission meeting the other day. And, as expected (by me, anyway) he called on Allah, Zeus, and Satan (but not our God) for inspiration and blessing. To their credit, the mayor and several city commissioners gave their opinion of the proceedings: they walked out. Tim Brown of the Freedom Outpost called the “prayer” moronic, and he’s right. Whoever thought of calling on an ATHEIST for an invocation prayer has lost his/her mind—if, indeed, he/she had one in the first place. This is all part of the ongoing “war on Christianity” liberals are waging all over America. This fool’s speech has prompted another atheist to request permission to give an “invocation” at a future meeting. If he gets it, somebody needs to be FIRED. (World Net Daily)

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