Monday, December 8, 2014

Defenders Threatened With Arrest!

One of the things we learned in Ferguson, MO, is that armed people guarding businesses can make ALL the difference as demonstrators (lawbreakers) AVOIDED such businesses. So one organization armed themselves and volunteered to guard Ferguson businesses. This is what happened: “As protests and rioting flare in Ferguson, Missouri, one group known as the ‘Oath Keepers’ has volunteered for armed rooftop patrols to protect local businesses. Although business owners are grateful for the protection, the group - which is made up of military, police and public safety officials - has been told by the St. Louis County Police Department to stop or they will be arrested.” This is such a STUPID ACTION that nobody with any intelligence can question it. But Ferguson “authorities” do. And they wonder why their town is ‘under siege.” (Fox News)

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