Thursday, December 4, 2014

Censoring Varvel

Indy Star (the only newspaper of note left in Indianapolis) CENSORED a cartoon by famous cartoonist Gary Varvel because some liberals labeled it “racist.” Since liberals find racism under every bed, it’s not unusual for them to think this funny cartoon is ”racist, and since crying “racism” is their “fallback position” every time they’re challenged, being called a racist is a “badge of honor” for Gary, whose work I‘ve admired from afar for many years, as a former Indianapolis citizen. Gary is one of the few artists who do not “toe the liberal line,” which is one reason I’ve followed his work ever since I lived in Indianapolis. It’s too bad his bosses, who were wise enough to have hired him in spite of his conservative nature, didn’t have the GONADS to back him. The comment from “Bricks Mahmoud” (probably not his real name, since liberals don’t have the courage to use their real names). Like Islamic terrorists, who commonly hide their faces, is the typical kind of vile comment made by liberals. (Twitchy)

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