Sunday, April 24, 2011

Stop With the Birth Certificate, Already!

That’s what Glenn Beck says, showing he just doesn’t understand the problem. I think Beck is right in most things, and I respect him for it. He’s about the most hated broadcaster there is, to the left, because he uses their own words and actions against them, and puts widely separated happenings together to let America know the scams and schemes that are being run non us. But in this case, he’s dead wrong. If Obama is NOT a citizen, which he, himself, has ADMITTED (I heard him do it), he is not QUALIFIED to be president of this country and that calls into question EVERY one of his actions and every bill he has signed into law. Officially proving he is NOT a citizen (which nobody seems to want to do) means we have not HAD a president for more than two years, and that could create a constitutional crisis the kind of which we’ve never seen before. (Glenn Beck)


Anonymous said...

On tv yesterday they said obama's birth certificate has been on line for everyone to see for years. So I looked for it and found this:

Of course, I could create an official looking certificate that said I was born on the moon, too. Ain't computers grand.....

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: That's been out for a while and they use it to fool people. It is NOT the same thing as a "long form birth certificate" and does not contain important information. Further, the very use of the name "Barack" proves it is a phony. That was NOT his name when he was born, and he only adopted it fairly recently. Being the president, with access to the best forgers out there, it would be "duck soup" for him to phony-up a real-looking birth certificate.

Anonymous said...

Eventually he may just phoney-up a certificate.

Anonymous said...

News people are talking about how obama should not have "lowered himself to respond to this demand for his birth certificate". Funny how the president of the United States bowing to the will of WE THE PEOPLE is cast as "lowering himself"....

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: He should have been forced to show it before he could even FILE to run. Whoever didn't make him do it screwed up royally.

Anonymous said...

Either screwed up, or, did it on purpose.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: More than likely, on purpose.

Anonymous said...

obama is raising money for his bid for re-election by selling t-shirts with his birth certificate on the back and "Made in America" on the front and having a big laugh over it. It's all a big chuckle. I think it is VERY disrespectful. Yet another example of how little respect he has for the tax payers of this country.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: He has NEVER taken it seriously because he can't. He has no answer to the question, "Why doesn't he just release it?" He has spent millions to avoid it before putting out that obviously false document that does NOTHING to dispel the problem.