Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"Birther" is a Con

And a way to divert people from asking questions that make people uncomfortable by applying a derogatory name to those asking the questions. They call anybody asking for Obama to PROVE he is constitutionally able to BE president a “birther.” I am a “birther.” I don’t care what they call me. I want him to SHOW his birth certificate proving his citizenship. I don’t think he can show one proving he IS a citizen. I have heard him say he is a citizen of Kenya with my own ears. If he cannot, he has no business BEING president. He can call me all the names he wishes; I will NOT be diverted. How long can this despot keep fooling the American people with one scam or another with such evidence existing? If they let him continue to con us about this, they DESERVE him. (Just common sense)


Anonymous said...

I heard that obama wants to keep this issue going as a way to bait his opponents because those who question his birth are now being called "birthers" and therefore just a bunch of crazies. So maybe this is an additional reason for his refusal to show his birth certificate (I mean besides the fact he was not born in the US).

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: He THINKS keeping this issue going will help him because he has SAID those pursuing it are "idiots." He's wrong. Nobody but liberals believes that, and he's got their votes if he craps in the street in view of the world. there is GOOD REASON to question his not releasing his birth certificate, and he's made them himself by not only refusing to release it, as well as any other personal papers and spending millions (much of that taxpayer money) to stop efforts to force him to do so. he's covering up SOMETHING, and America wants to know what.

Anonymous said...

But we will not get to know.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: that's because he controls the process.