Saturday, April 9, 2011

Professional Freeloaders

I’ve always wondered when I see those dirty-looking, stinky people standing with their hand-printed signs by the side of the road, begging. I’ve always thought about following some of them when they get ready to leave, and see just what’s true about them. John Stossel, of Fox News did that in at least one case he told about in his Fox News special. There was a pretty young woman standing with a sign telling about being “stranded” after coming here to live with a boyfriend, who left her broke and homeless. She made $50 an hour with this scam, then walked a couple of blocks to a home where she appeared to live alone. Watching her house provided him with a picture of a woman who went shopping in the mornings wearing expensive-looking clothes, then put on her old clothes and walked the two blocks to her “station” where she assumed the “homeless” scam again. In one case, he made himself up as a homeless person and collected enough money that, if he had continued for eight hours, he would have made $90 a day, easily, while sitting down with a sign on his lap.

This is what we have come to in a country where liberals (yes, liberals) have taught us all our lives that “the world owes us a living.” Demonstrators many times say “Nobody should actually work for a living.” Somebody, somewhere, will give them what they want with no work on their part. But there’s a flaw in their thinking: somebody, somewhere, must WORK and EARN money before there is anything for them to give them. Thank God for those who DO work for a living, and find it easy to give part of what they EARN to those who will not work. Liberals (yes, liberals) in the government are the biggest enablers for such people, spending BILLIONS of dollars of “other people’s money (OPM) dollars to make life easier for these people. I’ve never understood the mentality of those who wish to live at the expense of others and think that’s right. I’ve never done it, and I’ve never given money to those who encourage it. I have always worked and earned my own living, while the government stole money from me for the benefit of those who will not work and want ME to support them. (John Stossel/Fox News)

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