Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bill Ayres Lies Again

He says John McCain is a war criminal, and the Pentagon is a “terror organization.” This from a man who has bombed buildings in support of his ill-considered causes in the past and gotten away with it. It’s easy for such idiots to throw such charges around, and many people don’t bother to ”consider the source” and believe it. Mostly because they don’t know any better. They “don’t pay attention to politics,” so they probably don’t even know who this “home-grown terrorist” IS. Yet he has the GALL to cast aspersions on the institutions that protect us all. I really get tired of such people being given “air time” in the media, and even sometimes being taken seriously. Like Al Sharpton, #2 race-baiter (Jesse Jerkson is No. 1) actually being taken seriously by the PRESIDENT, who even appeared with him recently. This guy should be in PRISON for extortion, but NOOO! He is revered by many for his extortions. Bill Ayers has even been a “professor” at a university, teaching impressionable kids how to be terrorists, I presume. (Larry Elder)

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