Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Maher Again Proves His Ignorance

He says Democrats do not use “vitriolic rhetoric” in their politicking, like Republicans do. He has his blinders on, tight. His "Democrat violent rhetoric filter" is in place. He just doesn’t hear it when Democrats talk about KILLING Republicans. He has “selective hearing” and he insults anyone who disagrees with him, as do most Republicans. He, himself, has used “vitriolic rhetoric,” but he doesn’t define it that way. He just thinks that’s the only way to describe some people and some things. He has talked about a wall collapsing on Eric Cantor and Michelle Bachmann. But I guess that doesn't qualify as "violent rhetoric," does it? I guess if you can define things as you wish, you can make such statements and think you’re right. (News Busters)

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