Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Why Doesn't Someone DO Something?

“AFL-CIO head Richard Trumka made quite a bold admission recently when he revealed raising wages for workers wasn't really his top priority. Instead, his top priority is to use union money to fundamentally transform America into his progressive vision.” There are several different opinions about how good “progressivism” is for us. Progressivism is SOCIALISM under a different name to fool the public. To promote socialism under a phony name is, or should be, grounds for DISMISSAL of somebody who is SUPPOSED to be trying to make things better for union workers. Will anybody push for it? I don’t think so. The people who should be “paying attention” aren’t. (Glenn Beck)


Anonymous said...

That reminds me of how government stole the money you and I paid into social security and spent it on other things (pocketing most of it probably), putting SS in deep doo-doo, then told us "Sorry. The money is just not sufficient for all of you Baby Boomers. We might need to cut your monthly payments and no cost-of-living increases for you." If government can do this, a union (and they are run by crooks) can certainly do worse. I think Unions have out-lived their usefulness and are simply about grabbing all the money and power they can on the backs of the workers. Hmmmmm. Sounds like government.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: That's the way the government works. Just steal the money then blame US for the shortages: "Americans aren't doing their part." Meaning we don't pay enough taxes. suggest what you said and they poo-poo you while shutting the door on you.

Anonymous said...

And they know we can't do much about it.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: But we CAN, if enough people wake up and dump them in the trash heap where they belong. Unions bankrupted GM, and other companies.

Anonymous said...

That's the problem, getting enough people to wake up and dump them. Government manages to keep us all so busy working our butts off to pay taxes and ever increasing prices on EVERYthing that people hardly have time to look up and be aware what is happening.

All unions need to be disbanded.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: that's why I wrote a book called, "Pay ATTENTION to Politics!

Anonymous said...

I hope people are buying it and reading it.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: They're not making me rich, that's for sure.