Sunday, February 6, 2011

I Missed It

For many years I paid no attention to politics because of the apathy I saw in the sixties to the encroachment of liberals and other socialists on our government; the fact that so many people just ignored it. So I decided to join them and pay no attention, and thus missed the eight years of the finest presidency in my lifetime (Ronald Reagan). For that I am very sorry. I began waking up again with the rise of another charismatic figure, Rush Limbaugh. Plus the eight years of Bill Clinton, whose actions inflamed my anger at his attempts to “take over” the power to control my every action. I listened to Limbaugh detail the things Clinton did, using his own words and images. I figured rightly that if such as Limbaugh could be a success saying the things I believed, maybe there was a chance for this country, after all.

In the sixties, I was a “Goldwater Democrat.” I went around wearing a gold donkey that wore horn-rimmed glasses, which was the symbol of Barry Goldwater. I was a Democrat because my father was a Democrat. But supporting Barry Goldwater made me realize how LOW the Democrats would sink to beat him. When I finally “wised up” and started paying attention again, I realized that, even though we had a Republican in the white House after him (Richard Nixon), he was no Ronald Reagan, and those who followed were worse. People call me a Republican, but I’ve never BEEN a Republican, though they are close to what I am, in theory, though today’s Republicans don’t always do what Republicans should do. I am a “rational individualist,” which is NOT a political party. I admire Ronald Reagan because of his accomplishments as president.

People like “Ronnie” and I don’t usually get “honors” for what we do because most of the organizations that offer such honors are liberal. But history will remember Ronald Reagan when the liberal historians have been overcome by those who insist on writing the truth, not history as they would LIKE it to be. Today is Ronald Reagan’s 100th birthday and watching the ceremony honoring this date and the man is represents actually brought me to tears. Today we have a president who is far worse than Bill Clinton (who is still lauded by the Democrats, despite what he did to hurt the Democrat Party). I believe Obama will finish the job Clinton started, destroying the Democrat Party for all time—or at least for as long as the people who suffered under his “rule” are alive. (The Telegraph)


Anonymous said...

Ronnie was a good guy. I was paying attention at the time. He was a very "entertaining" president, too.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: I will be forever sorry I wasn't. It took Clinton to wake me up. I still wasn't surprised that he quickly brought unemployment down and reduced taxes, and several other things. That much, at least, seeped through.

Anonymous said...

What really irks me is that they still refer to Clinton as "President Clinton". My skin crawls every time. HE'S NOT PRESIDENT!!!

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: It irks me, too. That man should have NEVER been president. He's a "skirt-chasing" lefty from the hills who wants nothing more than the POWER to run our lives, even though he can't run his own well. But that's a common thing to refer to someone who DID hold a political office by that title even after he's long out of it. Like "Judge" Napolitano on Fox. If I ever get face-to-face with him I will refer to him as FORMER President Clinton, with a big smile.

Anonymous said...

I'll just call him Bill and he will be lucky if I mental capitalize the b. Hillary only stayed with him for her own political reasons.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: We all know that. All, that is, except the liberals.