Thursday, February 24, 2011

It'll Never Happen!

Muslims predict that Islam will one day run this country with Sharia Law. It’ll never happen. Americans are too intelligent. Yes, they do not “pay attention to politics” and they're not as smart as they used to be, due to liberal schooling. But that’s changing. They’re realizing that we can no longer ignore what our own government, and the world, including Muslim extremists, are doing to us—or TRYING to do to us. Muslims are purposely kept ignorant. Especially Muslim women, who are not allowed to go to school at all. Americans will never allow a fifteenth century religion to overtake us. A religion that pretends to CONTROL our every move and action. Yes, I know, Christianity is similarly based on an OLD religion, but it does not pretend to so COMPLETELY control us as does Islam. Americans are used to controlling their own actions and making their own decisions. That’s why socialism and other forms of collectivism will also fail. (Sean Hannity/Fox News)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There would be such a bloddy fight it they tried that. We have personal wepons and most actually know how to use them. I am not going back to the ignorant 15 century. Do do not even let Christianity tell me what to do or not do. Islam can go to hell!