Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hate Speech?

Liberals complain that “conservative” radio hosts use too much “hate speech” and that “sets off” the crazies in our society. They carefully refrain from talking about the LIBERALS talking about IMPEACHIING Justice Clarence Thomas (for what, they can’t say; maybe just for being black) and sending him back to the fields (as a slave, I guess) or just HANGING him. Others want to “duel” with Glenn Beck, killing him, I suppose. (Of course, this violates their unreasonable and irrational hatred of guns). Actually, there are too many examples for me to mention. Point made. Then there’s the guy at the “Code Pink” rally that says what's happening in Egypt needs to be happening here. He shouts, “revolution NOW!” But when asked what he means, he can’t tell you. He just says, “You know what I mean!” Yes, we do. He means he’s IGNORANT and he doesn’t himself even KNOW what he means. (Michelle Malkin)

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