Sunday, February 27, 2011

Khaddaffy Needs To Go...NOW!

However it is done. He needs to be “taken down,” even if that requires KILLING him, outright. He is nothing but a thug who “took over” his government 40 years ago and has been raping, murdering, and robbing his people ever since. He's worse than Saddam ever was. Recent events have caused a drastic INCREASE in the killings he has sponsored. He ORDERED terrorists to blow up an airplane over Lockerbie, Scotland, that killed hundreds, then conned our president into releasing the perpetrator because he was “terminally ill and wouldn’t live much longer. It was a lie. That terrorist still alive and is “living it up” in Libya. It looks like he will live a long time in Moammar’s “paradise.” (Just common sense)


Anonymous said...

I totally agree. I don't know why the citizens did not rebell years ago. They must have a lot of endurance.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: they were afraid. But fear only works for so long.

Anonymous said...

That is what I mean. I know they were afraid, but look how long they endured. THAT is ENDURANCE in the extreme. I hope they win their freedom.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Khaddaffi (however he spells it this week) is on his way out. Maybe standing, maybe not. Maybe we'll find him in a hole in the ground, like Saddam.

Anonymous said...

Well if we do, we should just shoot him and cover him over with dirt.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Why bother. Just dump him in the dumpster with the other garbage.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Sounds like a plan.