Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Media Lies!

American CNN reporter Nic Robertson went around the crowd in Egypt asking the same question, trying to elicit a reply favorable to Obama; something to make Obama look good on something he had nothing to do with. Something he could use in his re-election campaign. The question was, “How do you feel about President Obama’s positive reaction to the “revolt” that unseated Mubarak? One guy said, "We did this ourselves without your help.” We don’t need you The upshot was, ALL the answers amounted to, “stuff it!” But when Robertson summed up his interviews, he told us “The Egyptians were very happy that Obama supported their revolution.” Just the OPPOSITE of what those interviews showed. This is how the American press, and CNN in particular lie to us, daily. I heard these interviews, but nobody seemed to want to cover this story. I finally found some coverage on Rush Limbaugh’s site. (Rush Limbaugh)

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