Saturday, February 5, 2011

Get It OUT of the Way!

Why not get the question of Obama’s birth out of the way by simply SHOWING his birth certificate, to shut up the many important people who are demanding it? I could never figure out why he didn’t—IF he has one. If he doesn’t, that makes him ineligible to BE president. That’s a good reason for him to obstruct those trying to see it if true. If he IS a citizen, why not prove it and make this controversy go away? He calls those who doubt he has one “birthers,” which is a derogatory name. I guess now I’M a “birther,” too. I will not rest until I’ve seen a CERTIFIED copy of his birth certificate. The World Net Daily has compiled a list of the “better known” people who are demanding to see this document. They didn’t even get far enough down the line to include the THOMA$ REPORT. But the list they DO show contains some of the biggest, most important names in this country, politicians and otherwise. Check it out. (World Net Daily)


Anonymous said...

Didn't he have to show his birth certificate when he ran for the Presidency? It should be readily available then. Just show the damned thing1

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Apparently that's something they don't bother with. Which is what caused this problem with THREE presidents.

Anonymous said...

If they do not require proof, since a candidate HAS to have a birth certificate, then that is dumb at the extreme.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: So what else is new?

Anonymous said...

Remember when we were little and we thought government actually cared about the citizens and tried to run the country in the best interests of the citizens??? I miss that....

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: I remember it, but we were wrong. We just didn't know any better.

Anonymous said...

Yes. We were wrong, but that child's world of faith in "those in charge" is something I miss - - and will never see again.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: That's what they counted on: "a child's faith in our leaders" to take more and more control over out lives. And it worked, for a long time. It isn't working as well, now.