Saturday, December 31, 2011
What A Failure Obama Has Been!
“The latest from Barncat Jones is called ‘Oh, Oh, Obama!’ At a moment when many Republicans seem to be losing the forest (beating Obama) in the trees (Gingrich, Paul, Santorum, et al.), it is good to take a moment to focus on the awful failure that the Obama administration has been:” I don’t have room here to detail the many ways Obama has been a failure, but suffice it to say there have been many ways. Of course, the liberals don’t agree with that, since they think many of my failures are successes for them. Such as the national health care swindle, for instance. (Power Line)
Tea Party and OWS Alike?
What a load of steaming, stinking brown stuff! The only similarity is they both demonstrate. But the Tea Party demonstrations do not create massive garbage and excrement messes for somebody else to clean up. They clean up after themselves. They do not threaten violence, as one OWS demonstrator has done (see link). There IS no violence at their demonstrations (see the news about the rapes, murders, and stabbings at OWS gatherings). They don’t “camp out” on somebody else’s property, claiming First Amendment protection for violating the rights of the owners of that property. The Tea Party people have clear demands, including smaller government, less intrusion on our lives, fewer taxes, and more freedom.
The OWS people CLAIM to want a lot of things, but they all “boil down” to one demand: a “free ride” at the expense of others. And their “targets” are all wrong: the biggest group of “top one percenters” are in Congress, and most have made that money because it is not illegal for members of Congress to “insider trade,” making their money doing what, for us, is ILLEGAL. Check out the number of congresspeople who came to Washington barely making it who are now “filthy rich.” The Clintons and other well-known political names come to mind. (The Blaze)
The OWS people CLAIM to want a lot of things, but they all “boil down” to one demand: a “free ride” at the expense of others. And their “targets” are all wrong: the biggest group of “top one percenters” are in Congress, and most have made that money because it is not illegal for members of Congress to “insider trade,” making their money doing what, for us, is ILLEGAL. Check out the number of congresspeople who came to Washington barely making it who are now “filthy rich.” The Clintons and other well-known political names come to mind. (The Blaze)
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Peelosi's Hypocrisy
She talks down “the rich.” She favors special taxes for people who EARN more than a certain amount (not people who make their money by owning part of money-making enterprises, like her). What she’s after is to “bring in the drawbridge” after she crossed the moat. She wants others not to be ABLE to make as much money as SHE has made because her government will take most of it away from them. And she spends $10,000 a NIGHT for a room in Hawaii. If this isn’t something a rich person would do, I’ll kiss her rear end. The funny thing about politicians who bad-mouth “the rich” is that they only want to stop those NOW earning money from BECOMING millionaires, like her (estimates of her net worth range from 100 million to $175 million). But she will continue to live like a millionaire. Democrats say she’s just helping those working for that hotel by spending so much money. I submit that didn’t even enter her mind. All she wants to do is “lord it over” everyone. “See, it’s NANCY! I’m rich! You’re NOT!. Like Clinton losing no opportunity to tell us how rich HE is. Sheesh! (The Blaze)
Clinton Wants Another Term
He says presidents ought to be able to serve a third term. I don’t know if he means a third CONSECUTIVE term or just a third one, period. That means he thinks he could run again and ignorant Democrats would put him back in office so he could again get oral sex in the White House while an Islamic terrorist waits in his outer office. This is something every Democrat wants to do as his second term approaches. If Obama got re-elected and then got re-elected again, he could finish the job of destroying this country. I sincerely hope the American people have “wised up” enough to scotch this effort. (Real Clear Politics)
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Ode to the Welfare State
This is a poem published in the “Daily News” or new York on Nov. 4, 1949, and sums up perfectly the thinking of ALL Democrats to this day. It was written by a “prominent Democrat from the state of Georgia” who remained unnamed. Probably because he feared he’d be KILLED if it were known who he was. In those days, as in THESE days, you COULD get yourself killed for asking the question asked by this kid. I think this poem makes a profound statement on the human condition. (Power Line)
Peelosi is Stupid, As Usual
Peelosi (the House leader whose stupid actions cost her the leadership and her party the majority is still making stupid statements. One would think she’d shut up after that “pass the bill to find out what’s in it” fiasco. But NO! Now she says unemployment would be at 15% without Obama’s “stimulus.” It may get there yet, and it is more than that in some places. I remember when they said their stimulus would keep it from reaching 8%! These people never learn, and they think we have no memories at all. (CNS News)
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Every Opportunity
Those “global warming” believers will use every opportunity to push their agenda, even if AlGore has to rename it to make it believable. He now calls his swindle “climate change” so he can even use a major snowstorm to promote his swindle and NBC is doing just that. “On Tuesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams followed a story on the late October northeast snow storm by ominously proclaiming: ‘Everybody out east said the same thing about this freak snowstorm, This kind of thing didn't used to happen. This never happened before. And while that is true, it may also be true that we'll all have to start getting used to this kind of thing over the long haul." Which means, without saying it, that “climate change” is at fault. They don’t mention that all this is CYCLICAL. And it HAS happened before, and WORSE. You mention that to a “believer” and he will laugh at you and never change an iota of his/her belief. (Media Research Center)
"Cleaning Up Bush's Mess"
Does Obama really think we still believe this lie? If he does, he;s stupider than I thought he was. He’s been in office long enough now for ANY “mess” to have his Name on it. It’s time to start “owning up to” his own responsibility for the “mess we’re in.” And it IS HIS MESS. A mess Democrats CREATED to get him into office. What Bush did was continue an atmosphere that caused the longest running economic boom that started with Reagan’s tax rate cuts to continue until the Democrat law (“Citizen’s Reinvestment Act of 1977”) finished its job of killing the financial picture in America by FORCING lenders to loan money to people who could not afford to repay it, a “recipe for disaster” if there ever was one, no matter how much they protest otherwise. Just use your own common sense. (The Blaze)
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Why always the GOP?
Obama is demanding the GOP “back down” on the 2-month extension of the payroll (Social Security) tax reduction. An extension that will cost employers more than leaving it in place would cost employees because of the time and work involved in changing the software, then changing it back after two months. From what I hear it would take THREE months to get it changed, so we’re talking about SIX month’s work to implement this silly law. So why is it the GOP that gets all the criticism for not being willing to vote for something as stupid as this? Furthermore, I'm tired of these "temporary" fixes to a problem the liberals themselves created by not coming up with a budget since Obama was elected. (Fox News)
Example of Rank Stupidity
A Muslim cleric says women should stay away from bananas and cucumbers because being close to them might make them horny. “[An] unnamed sheik, who was featured in an article on el-Senousa news, was quoted saying that if women wish to eat these food items, a third party, preferably a male related to them such as their father or husband, should cut the items into small pieces and serve. He said that these fruits and vegetables 'resemble the male penis' and hence could arouse women or 'make them think of sex.' He also added carrots and zucchini to the list of forbidden foods for women." Yet another example of their fright at the very thought of their women even THINKING of sex. How about their MEN? Are their men better equipped to withstand the “allure” of anything resembling the male sex organ? Gimme a break! (The Blaze)
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
American Intelligence "Out of the Loop"
Kim Il Jung died Saturday (good riddance to more bad rubbish) but our intelligence services had no idea of it until this communist regime predictably waited two days to announce it to the world, no doubt so they could all consolidate their own little fiefdoms within the N. Korean government. I heard a rumor (unsubstantiated) that he died of asphyxiation while holding his breath waiting for Obama to keep his promise to come to N. Korea and bow to him, as he has done to every other dictator in the world BUT Kim. (New York Times)
The "Volt" Scandal
It was found that the Chevy Volt was subject to its batteries catching fire three weeks after it was crash tested, back in June. But that information was hidden until November. Meanwhile they were still (trying) to sell it to the public while lying about Toyota’s gas pedal problems, trying to “bring Toyota to its knees.” Then there are the myriad other problems with the Volt, most of which have been “papered over.” “There's a Talmudic blog debate currently underway on the question of whether GM directly "lied" or merely avoided the truth with evasive Clintonian language.” (The Daily Beast) What’s the difference between lying and just “avoiding the truth?” A lie is a lie is a lie. It’s like the lies they told to “paper over” the fact that Solyndra was moving quickly toward bankruptcy even while Obama’s government approved even more money in subsidies.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Profit is the Purpose
Liberals think the only purpose of business is to provide jobs for people. Nothing could be further from the truth. The whole purpose of ANY business is to make a profit for the owner. Employment opportunities only become available when the business NEEDS things to be done. Then they hire people. It’s not the other way around. They don’t hire people for the good of those people, it’s for THEIR OWN good. Without that profit motive there’s NO REASON for anybody to go in business. Bill Gates, for instance, didn’t go in business to make a bunch of millionaires along the way to becoming one himself. That was a “side-benefit” of it. He also created many “well-to-do” people along the way, also as a “side benefit.” Not as a central purpose. Anybody who thinks a company should sell their wares for the same amount of money they paid for it is a FOOL. But that’s what liberals think. Therefore, they’re fools. (Just common sense)
The Buggy Whip Maker
There is always a victor and a loser whenever a society takes a “giant leap” in technology. When the automobile was invented, it was the buggy whip maker, the buggy maker, and the horse breeder. Today it’s the Post Office. Hard work to avoid bankruptcy aside, I expect the Post office to “go down” in my lifetime. Politicians think they can avoid it, which only points up their own incompetence. They’ll throw billions, maybe even trillions of Monopoly dollars into the effort, but it is doomed to failure. We can only hope they are smart enough to allow private enterprise to develop the means to deliver things that cannot be delivered by e-mail. Parcel Post will go first because private enterprise already has an advantage over them. The only thing keeping private enterprise from outdoing them in delivery of private mail is the law protecting the Post Office from competition. Private enterprise must “step up” and come up with a substitute for the government-subsidized postal system before it goes “belly up.” Which is going to be soon. (
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Obama to Win in a Landslide?
What a FOOL this guy is! A radio personality (the one who compared Romney to the KKK, you’ll remember) thinks Obama is going to win the election in a landslide. Gawd, there are such FOOLS among us! If Obama DOES win in a landslide, the number of such fools out there are much more numerous than I had imagined. That doesn’t alter the fact they ARE fools. MSNBC’s Thomas Roberts, who has won our prize for the biggest fool in television, now numbers among other fools Michael Tomasky, special correspondent for Newsweek and The Daily Beast, who apparently agrees with him. But I expect such stupidity from such people. I expect similar sentiments from someone at Time Magazine soon. You know, the magazine that put masked demonstrators on their cover as “People of the Year” this year, after putting Gorbachev and other dictators in a similar position before. Things like this make me glad I’m in my seventies and won’t be around much longer to see the results of such stupidity. (Media Research Center)
Being Run By Incompetents
Have you ever noticed that we are faced with a new “panic” just about every day? That tells me two things: one, they use the panics to frighten us into allowing them to do things we normally wouldn’t allow, and two: they’re incompetent. I can only remember ONE competent president in my lifetime, and that is Ronald Reagan. He came into power and soon reduced the double-digit inflation to about 4%, then reduced the national debt and started the longest-running economic boom in recent memory by simply REDUCING the percentage at which we were taxed, which almost DOUBLED the “tax take” in the next few years. Then some liberals were elected and soon had us in “panic mode” again. Now they’ve spent ALL the money we have, and much more. They’ve spent more money in less than three years than ALL the previous administrations have spent since the inception of this country. They’re gaily figuring out how to spend even more while people if INTELLIGENCE wonder at their stupidity. (Just common sense)
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Maybe If They Stopped Killing People...
Yemen’s al-Qaida wants to change its name. It says the current name has “negative connotations.” Ya think? Maybe if they stopped murdering people for no other reason than they don’t believe exactly the same way THEY do. Like the Democrats and liberals (a repetition, there) do, when the name they use like liberals, progressives, ACORN, etc., when that name becomes KNOWN to represent crap, they just change it and it takes a while for people to realize it’s the same old crown under a new name. (The Blaze)
The China Scam
A caller to the Rush Limbaugh show brought out something I’ve known for a long time and put it very succinctly: “China has a veneer of prosperity over a lot of poverty.” He noted that all you ever see is their big cities and never get to the countryside where poor people are still plowing fields behind oxen and bringing their crops to market behind horses. A stiff wind will blow over their badly and cheaply built buildings, and has upon occasion, killing lots of people. But China doesn’t care about that. They figure they have too many people already. That’s why they kill their females children in the womb. Yes, we kill our own children in the womb, but we kill male AND female children, just to get rid of them when we forget to use a rubber. (Just common sense)
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
They Got It Way Wrong
From Obama to the “far right,” they got it wrong on Egypt. “I have in mind the latest blunder by the experts — their assessment, just a few months ago, of the nature of the Arab Spring and its democracy movement. Back in spring, the leading experts — from the Obama administration to the neoconservatives on the right to the major liberal media to most of the academic area specialists — were all overwhelmingly predicting that all those great secular, liberal, college-educated kids with their iPhones in Tahrir Square represented the new Egypt and would bring all their wonderful values to the revolution.” So now we have a military government that won’t go away and a recent announcement that “Sharia law” would be the base of their laws in the future. How wrong were they? As wrong as they can be. Which is an example of how incompetent our current “leaders” are. What amazes me is that people in the Middle East actually voted their rights away. (News Max/Tony Blankley)
Is Anybdy Surprised?
As Barney Frank "retires," the media extols his “accomplishments” while ignoring his role in the housing crisis (He authored the Citizen’s Reinvestment Act of 1977 that forced lenders to loan money to people they KNEW could never repay it, a “recipe for disaster”). He also created and defended Fannie and Freddie, two “money pits” for the feds, created to “keep the lid on” until they needed it to get Democrats elected in 2008. These two actions alone are the biggest contributors to the financial disaster in which we now find ourselves. Barney, instead of being praised, should be charged with many crimes and sent to prison while the lenders who survived this insurrection should be given medals. (Media Research Center)
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Who Sez He's Conservative?
Michael Savage, the guy a lot of people CALL a “conservative” has offered Newt Gingrich a million dollars to stop running for president. Does he really think Newt is as shallow as that? Newt is already a millionaire several times over, just from his books. And if he did like most members of Congress, he made a lot more money from the “legalized” insider trading that was possible while he was in the Congress. Why would he need to take Savage’s money? He probably has more than Savage. As to being a conservative, Savage is NOT. He only pretends to be one to help liberals. As to Newt's ability to beat Obama, the Easter Bunny could do that. Newt is one of the most powerful candidates. That's why he wants to be rid of him. (Yahoo News)
Obama's Obvious Lies
Obama doesn’t seem to care that we know he’s lying just about every time he opens his mouth. Aside from the “lowering the sea levels” lie and the recent lie in a speech about having reduced taxes 17 times (which we KNOW he hasn’t), he is now telling us he has done more for Israel’s security than anybody when anyone with ANY amount of intelligence knows better. Obama is the worst thing to happen to Israel in recent years. He has done more to UNDERMINE Israel than any other president. Yet he brazenly lies and says he is a “good friend” to Israel. What a FOOL he is! (The Blaze)
Sunday, December 11, 2011
They Want to Control Your Life
It’s not about smoking cigarettes; it’s not about guns. It’s not about driving gas-sipping vehicles. It’s not about any of those things. It’s about controlling what you can and cannot do. Boston proved it when they banned electronic cigarettes, which have nothing to do with tobacco or smoke, and pollute nothing. It LOOKS like you’re smoking And that infuriates the control freaks. [Recently], “e-cigarettes are harder to come by for residents of Boston, the Massachusetts state capital, and there are fewer places where they can legally use them. That’s because the Boston Public Health Commission voted to start treating e-cigarettes as a tobacco product. Tough new restrictions were introduced with immediate effect and so Bostonians can no longer use e-cigarettes in workplaces, including on patios, decks and loading docks. The sale of e-cigs is now also restricted to adults only and retailers have to obtain a special permit to sell them and then keep them behind the counter." (Spiked/Natalie Rothschild)
Ya Gonna Shoot Me?
Alec Baldwin’s latest rant on Twitter against conservatives; ‘Gun-loving, war-mongering trolls . . . bring it.” “Bring it?” What are you going to do if I bring a gun, shoot me? With what? Alec Baldwin is one of the most vocal of liberal fools. And he doesn’t even realize what he’s doing to his own career with these stupid statements. People like Baldwin should just shut up with their stupidities. The bad part is there isn’t just one of him. Do his stupidities rub off on his brothers? It’s so hard to tell them apart I just stay away from anything that has anybody who looks like him in it. I refuse to suffer fools gladly, and he definitely fits that description. (The Blaze)
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Partisan Politics NOT to Blame
Colin Powell thinks so; Obama thinks so. Many of our other incompetent “leaders” think so, but they’re all wrong. The “Founders” built that INTO out political model. They knew that no disagreement in government meant a dictator, with whom nobody DARED disagree, and they didn’t want that. What’s REALLY responsible is one law, made by Democrats, back in the seventies: The “Citizen’s Reinvestment Act of 1977,” which FORCED lenders to loan money to people they KNEW could never repay it. They KNEW it would create an “economic disaster” down the road. That was their design. They created Fannie and Freddie to “keep the lid on” until it was “needed” to get many Democrats elected, and it worked like a charm.
Republicans tried many times to get rid of it, but were rebuffed by Democrats (Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and their Democrat buddies, who WROTE the law) every time. They “shut down” Fannie and Freddie” (temporarily) just before the 2008 elections and the law predictably caused the “economic disaster” they wanted. They blamed Republicans and the very lenders they victimized for it and “took over the government in a bloodless coup”, after which they refunded Fannie and Freddie with unlimited funds to keep things from getting worse while Democrats were in power, then spent more money than there IS, which they also blamed on the Republicans. (News Max/Tony Blankley)
Republicans tried many times to get rid of it, but were rebuffed by Democrats (Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and their Democrat buddies, who WROTE the law) every time. They “shut down” Fannie and Freddie” (temporarily) just before the 2008 elections and the law predictably caused the “economic disaster” they wanted. They blamed Republicans and the very lenders they victimized for it and “took over the government in a bloodless coup”, after which they refunded Fannie and Freddie with unlimited funds to keep things from getting worse while Democrats were in power, then spent more money than there IS, which they also blamed on the Republicans. (News Max/Tony Blankley)
Who Decides?
Who has the right to decide what’s best for our children? Their parents or some nameless, faceless bureaucrat somewhere? Parents who don’t want their children vaccinated are being “criminalized” by the medical bureaucrats. These bureaucrats are implying their refusal is putting not only theirs, but other children “at risk,” and so should be punished on the word of somebody else. That’s the way the government gains, and maintains control over us. (SF Gate)
Thursday, December 8, 2011
...And Again
I’m beginning to believe computers in general just do not like me. I’ve lost count of the many computer failures in the last few months. I think the one I’m using is the fourth or fifth recently. Yesterday my Internet went out, apparently because the plug-in USB Adapter failed. I bought a new one and installed it this morning. It seems to be working. Now all I have to fight with this particular computer is the lack of a properly working sound system I’ve been fighting since I got this computer. I can get computer generated music, and sometimes music from videos on the Net. Plus, I got words from people talking on videos, once. It was recommended I install Adobe Shock Wave, which so far has not worked. At least my Internet is back. Although this computer is acting up. I wonder how long it will last.
Typical Liberal Swindle
They wanted to get a lot of guns into the Mexican drug wars so they could SAY that “most of their guns come from the United States” and use that to strengthen anti-gun laws. They screwed up. It didn’t work. They didn’t tell the media the guns that came from the U. S. were sold by this government itself, but they found out. After the conservative media broke it, they HAD to cover it, and it has become one of Obama's biggest scandals. I hope it sinks him. This is how the liberals in our government try to fool us into letting them do things we normally wouldn’t allow. When are we going to wake up and question their every action? And I mean even when the Republicans are in power because they do it, too. (American Thinker)
HALAL Turkeys?
Butterball Turkeys are killed in accordance with Islamic standards, though without the ritual prayers required for Islamics to eat them. You’d be surprised how far “Islamic standards” have wormed their way into American manufacturing. What the hell FOR? Yes, it isn’t illegal, but WHY? We don’t Need “HALAL certified” meats. We don’t WANT them. I won’t EAT such products if I'm aware of it. I’m getting sick and tired of how many ways and in how many places Islamic practices have “wormed their way” into our lives. Islam is a phony “religion,” founded by a pedophile to cover his “marrying” a nine-year-old. I won’t have anything to do with it. Call me an “Islamaphobic” (another phony word) if you want. I don’t care. It means nothing to me. (American Thinker/Pam Geller)
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Iran Asking For It
Iran has been “Asking for it” for a long time, beginning with their kidnapping of American diplomats while that wimp, Carter was in power. I think Carter surprised them with his attempt at rescue, but not with his incompetence in the attempt. They’ve been “picking at us” for many years, including several kidnappings for ransom and many things that under a REAL president (not Carter-like Obama) would result in Iran becoming a steaming pile of rubble. What galls me is the guy making the most noise today was SEEN among the kidnappers of the diplomats before they “chickened out’ and released them when Reagan was elected. Like Saddam Hussein, Ahmadinjerk will end up in a “deep hole,” hiding from the people he used to “rule” after we “take him down.” This is how people like him end. (Yahoo News)
Elect Competent People
In the last few years we have elected nothing but INCOMPETENT people to run this country, and then we wonder when they screw up so badly they spend more money than there IS on their “flights of fancy.” Things they call “compassion.” Newt Gingrich says “we need to drill HERE!” while the other candidates keep that self-defeating policy of banning drilling for oil in areas we control. This is the kind of candidates we need to elect. People who have mostly COMMON SENSE and intelligence. Admittedly, Newt “stumbled” when he made that commercial with “Princess Nancy” pushing AlGore’s global warming swindle, but I believe he’s seen the error of his ways, there. He has admitted it. The last intelligent politician I know of we sent to Washington was Ronald Reagan. It’s too bad he’s dead and can’t be elected again. But we need to search out people of INTELLIGENCE and competence to elect. It’s the only way to survive (I am NOT saying Newt is “my guy,” but he is close.). (Rush Limbaugh)
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Incompetents in Washington
We need to get some competent people in charge in Washington. People like Ronald Reagan, who undid most of the damage done by liberals before him. Unfortunately, in doing so, angered a lot of people who were getting a "free ride" which resulted in more liberals being elected after him. This will inevitably happen because some people want only to be "kept." That allowed them to not only undo just about everything HE did, but do many worse things. It's a political truism that what intelligent people do in Washington will anger others and cause them to elect many incompetents to replace the intelligent people. We haven't had a competent politician in the white House since Reagan and we've suffered for it. The only competent Republican I can see still in it is Bachmann, and she will get her share of poison from Democrats if she again rises to the top and especially if she gets the nomination. She's already had a sample of it when she WAS on top. She's the only GOP candidate whose WORDS show her to be an unashamed conservative. Hopefully, if she comes to the top, her words will be translated into action. But I've learned, many times, never to depend on a politician to do what he/she says will be done after gaining office. (Just common sense)
Supressing the Evidence
In George Orwell’s “1984,” a prophetic novel written (strangely) by a liberal, the “hero’s” job was to change history to reflect current thinking. But he finally figured out his lie and stopped doing it. That got him in trouble with “Big Brother,” the ubiquitous “leader.” But today, the government doesn’t NEED to pay people to change history. Today, the “foremost historians” who write the history books do it willingly. And are ready and willing to hide the evidence otherwise. Example: “In October 1914, over 5 million Belgians faced starvation. The German Army had invaded on August 4 and swept across the country in three weeks. Revisionist historians would later snicker about "atrocities" invented by the British, but the Kaiser's troops executed over 5,500 Belgians, women and children as well as men, though there was no civilian resistance to the invasion.” This is how revisionist historians “bend” the news to suit themselves. (Media Research Center)
Saturday, December 3, 2011
China Protits From the Dead
They have a fleet of high-tech trucks that go places where people are killed and harvest their organs for sale to people with more money than they can spend otherwise (in China, mostly looted from by politicians from people of lesser wealth that them, which is usually most everybody) to stay alive at the expense of the dead. China murders Falun Gong members and steals their organs; they kill prisoners and these ubiquitous trucks show up to take the organs. Nobody knows how many other people the communist Chinese government murders so they can profit from selling their organs. But they’ve been doing it for a long time and are good at it. (Ouyang Fei, Sun Sixian, Lin Zhanxiang)
Supercommittee Fails
“The Supercommittee is now officially a failure. On balance, I think that is a good thing, in part because the whole approach of trying to solve our country’s deep-seated fiscal problems with a closed-door, back-room deal is fundamentally wrong.” (John Hinderacker/Power Line) But this is how Obama does business: behind closed doors; even though he promised (like a lot of other Democrats) a “completely open and transparent administration (which, like all those other democrats, he didn’t deliver).” The whole idea of this “supercommittee” is illegal and unconstitutional, and is PLANNED to fail so Obama can emasculate the Defense Department and Medicare without having to accept the blame, which will make a lot of people mad. These people will put pressure on to reverse these cuts and he can blame the Republicans while advancing his agenda to move us ever closer to socialism. (Power Line)
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Terrorist Supports Obama
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews asked (Obama’s then press flack Robert) Gibbs point blank if home-grown terrorist bomber Bill Ayers had hosted a fundraiser for "your candidate" (Obama) in his race for Illinois State Senate. (Breitbart TV) Then Gibbs lied outright: "No he did not have a fundraiser for our candidate," said Gibbs, who then repeated, "He did not have a fundraiser for him." Gibbs elaborated that the claimed fundraiser was "another myth propagated by the McCain that has been debunked both by people in the Chicago media and in the national media." Matthews did not press him on that lie. Then later Ayers came right out and told an audience he DID. (American Thinker)
Marry Your Rapist!
Or go to prison for 12 years for “the shame she has brought on her family by her immorality,” even if it was forced. This is how Sharia law works. They blame the woman when she gets raped, and blame the man not at all. This follows the system of subjugating the woman to the man in all things, even to the point of MURDERING her if she so much as has a DATE with a non-Muslim. Switching from Islam to ANY other religion gets a DEATH sentence for a man OR a woman. In my opinion, this is one of the most screwed up religions in the history of the world. They are so afraid someone will take their women away from them they force them to go about in public only with a male family member, covered from head to toe for fear somebody will see them and lust after them. (Atlas Shrugs)
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
How Many More?
How many more accusations of sexual misconduct will the Democrats bring up against Herman Cain, hoping one sticks? Why is it always the “front runner’ who gets such accusations and not the others? When another Republican becomes a front-runner will there be accusations of sexual misconduct against them? Or maybe something worse? I’m surprised a sexual misconduct accusation is their “weapon of choice,” since sexual misconduct (proven) on the part of their “most popular” president (Bill Clinton) made absolutely no difference? He was elected once in the face of serious sexual misconduct charges, and RE-elected in the face of new charges, this time amply proven. Two charges didn’t “get rid of” Cain, so now there is a third one, this time a simple “affair.” The woman claims she said nothing until Cain became a front-runner because she didn’t want to hurt him. So why does she want to hurt him, now? Was it the money from the Democrats? (
Revealing Themselves
Politicians want to instill hate for cigarette-makers in Americans while collecting more on each pack of cigarettes than do the manufacturers, and without having a CENT invested In making or marketing cigarettes. They’re mad now that some people are smoking cigarettes without paying their unconscionable taxes on every pack of cigarettes. This tells us they aren’t at all interested in cutting down on smoking because it would take money out of THEIR pockets—and they want to stop anything that does that. Shame! SHAME on those who would try to escape their cigarette taxes! Actually, they screwed up. They forgot to put a tax on tobacco growing itself. I hate to give them ides, but they’re probably already thought of it. It’ll happen soon. By the way: I don't smoke, (The Blaze)
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Democrats Must Really Be Aftraid
Democrats can always be depended upon to tell us who frightens them the most. He (she)’s the one they attack the hardest and with the “dirtiest tricks.” Yesterday it was Sarah Palin; today it seems to be Herman Cain. I’m not a big Herman Cain fan. I don’t like his 9-9-9-plan. I think it’s too much. But I like him otherwise and I’ve been keeping track of all the phony accusations of sexual misconduct. Apparently two accusations didn’t work so they’re “trotting out” a third. This one with more “specifics.” Now he’s supposed to have had a 13-year “consensual” affair. The thing I hate is that Cain “waffles” when asked to simply deny ANY sex. Like most politicians, he says he wants to wait and see what she says before answering. What is this? Either he did or he didn’t, no matter what she says. C’mawn, Herman! Don’t put it off, ANSWER the question. Waffling only makes you look more guilty. Of course if he were a Democrat an illicit affair over 13 years would be a resume enhancement. (
It's NOT the Catholic Church's "Conscience Thing"
It’s not. Abortion KILLS a human being in the womb, before he/she even gets a chance at life. It has nothing to do with religious beliefs. I’m not a Catholic, or a member of any other kind of church, but I can see that, even if people like Peelosi can’t. Murder is murder, even without religion. Abortion KILLS. Like terrorism, it KILLS people (and has probably killed more people). People who are in favor of abortion can find all sorts of excuses to justify their murders for the “convenience” of those who would rather KILL the result of unprotected sex rather than use a rubber. She talks about “letting women die on the floor,” but thinks nothing about BABIES “dying on a table” in the operating room. Gawd, what a scaggy woman this is. I don’t even want to KNOW a person of the type she is. (Washington Post)
Sunday, November 27, 2011
A Bunch of Wimps
The Republicans say they’re not going to defund Obama’s health care swindle law because they’re afraid if they do, the Democrats will shut down the government and blame it on them. What a bunch of sniveling, spineless wimps they are! You don’t abandon a position the entire last election elected MANY Republicans over because you’re AFRAID the opposition will pull a “dirty trick” and blame you for it. We need to elect some Republicans with SPINES! We can’t elect Democrats with spines because there aren't any; they don’t even know what they are. Democrats are incompetent coming out of the starting gate because they believe in COLLECTIVISM, rather than the free market. Collectivism has proven it does NOT work time and again, but that doesn’t faze Democrats in their ignorance. (CNS News)
Ex-Cop Marine "Deals With" OWS Protester
There ARE no “ex-Marines.” Only Marines no longer serving actively. This protester only got a few words out at the swearing-in of U. S. Rep Bob Turner (the man elected to replace the disgraced “weenie-wagging” FORMER congressman Weiner. The Marine ex-cop said, “There’s a time and place for free speech and this is not it.” He’s right: disrupting a solemn occasion like this is NOT “free speech.” There should be more people like this Marine to “deal with” the stupid people in the “Occupy Everywhere” movement. All they want anyway is a “free ride.” (New York Post)
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Same Thing Over and Over
Even though that’s the definition of insanity, Obama continues to do the same stupid things over and over, hoping for a different outcome. He appointed an admitted COMMUNIST to be his “green jobs” czar; he appointed a tax cheat to run the Treasury Department, under which is (you guessed it) the Internal Revenue Service; and now has appointed a woman who ran a company that DEFRAUDED Medicare to run it. Whoever is advising Obama on these things mystifies me. He couldn’t appoint worse people for these positions, and probably will continue to do so, without comment from critics or the liberal (biased) media. (American Thinker)
Obama's Solyndra Scam
The Obama administration KNEW Solyndra was in trouble well before the midterm elections, but put pressure on Solyndra to hold off on Layoffs until AFTER the midterm elections so as not to upset (his) voters. This is sure and certain PROOF the Obama administration KNEW Solyndra was in danger of going “belly-up” even before the midterms but made sure the American people would not know about it until AFTER as many Democrats as possible were elected. It didn’t work. The “Tea Party candidates” won in a landslide and Obama lost his total dominance of the federal government. Not just because of Solyndra, but because of his complete INCOMPETENCE in all things except how to get elected. And he will lose in the 2012 election for the same reason. (Washington Post)
Thursday, November 24, 2011
The Thanksgiving Myth
The myth of Thanksgiving is still what is taught, and that myth is basically that a bunch of thieves from Europe arrived quite by accident at Plymouth Rock, and if it weren't for the Indians showing them how to grow corn and slaughter turkeys and how to swallow and stuff, that they would have died of starvation and so forth. The Indians were great -- and then, in a total show of appreciation, we totally wiped out the Indians! We took their country from 'em. We started racism, sexism, bigotry, homophobia; spread syphilis; and, basically, destroyed the environment. That is the multicultural version of Thanksgiving, and it simply isn't true." (Rush Limbaugh) It's a load of steaming, stinky brown stuff. The first settlers in America were bound by an agreement with the people who financed their trip her to operate under what amounts to communism, in that everybody had “one share” of any bounty created by all of them and did not OWN anything. It was when new Governor Bradford gave each a plot of land to farm and SELL the overage, he created the “free market” and saved the colony. This is the story hidden by revisionist historians, much as the stealing BACK of property taken by the king was what Robin Hood was all about. (Rush Limbaugh)
That "Peaceful" Religion
A Muslim father MURDERED all three of his daughters for “dating the wrong boys. “A Muslim father charged with murdering his three daughters in apparent honour killings has said he would do it again - even if they came back to life 100 times. Mohammad Shafia, 58, cursed his daughters Zainab, 19, Sahar, 17, and Geeti, 13, saying they were 'treacherous' as he likened them to prostitutes during a conversation that was recorded by police. He is on trial for their murders after they were found dead in the family car along with Shafia's first wife, Rona Amir, 50, in the Rideau Canal, located in the Kingston area of Ontario in Canada in 2009. Shafia, who moved to Canada from Afghanistan with his family, is polygamous and after his arrest was heard telling his second wife, Tooba Yahya, that their daughters had brought shame on the family’.” This is an example of the way this “peaceul religion” works. That’s in addition to the fact that it brings a DEATH SENTENCE to convert from Islam to another religion. (The Daily Mail)
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Rezko Gets 10-1/2 Years
But will anybody (except people like me who pay attention and tell the truth) ask Obama what he thinks about the guy who introduced him to numerous money men, raised mucho bucks for him and helped him fool the world when he bought the lot next door to his home? Not likely. People just don’t call attention to the corruption in which Obama is involved lest they be called racist. Solyndra was more than just a financial screwup; it was the THEFT from the taxpyers of $500 million dollars, that he gave to some of his financial supporters. This is how he rewards them. How many more such cases there are, we’ll probably never know because Obama and his crowd are good at covering such things up. (American Thinker)
Yes, It IS!
MSNBC commentator Alex Wagner says the Second Amendment should be removed from the Constitution because it is not “on the same level” with other Amendments. But it IS! If anything, it is MORE IMPORTANT than many others. Who is SHE to attempt to judge the importance of a constitutional Amendment? Maybe that’s her ploy to get noticed. Without the Second Amendment, the whole idea of self defense is gone. But, Second Amendment or not, I WILL defend myself, regardless of what Alex thinks. (Real Clear Politics)
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
"It Has to Be Racism!
Liberals can’t seem to figure any reason why NASCAR fans would boo a woman who, with her husband, has shown so much disdain for them and their choice of entertainment UNTIL they need their votes to hang onto office. I wonder how many minutes it took for liberals to “use the race card” in this Case? EVERY time ANYONE criticizes Obama or his wife, they CALL it racism. No one believes it any more. EVERY instance of criticism for this incompetent president and his equally incompetent wife CANNOT be racism. But they use it so they won’t have to answer ANY criticism on the merits. They think because we were stupid enough (not me) to elect him president, they’re better than we are. (CBS News)
Liberals Know Nothing
They claim we have gotten into many UNNECESSARY wars and that the cost of fighting them is the reason for the financial problems we face. Nothing could be further from the truth. First of all, the wars are NOT individual wars; they are all “different theaters” in ONE WAR: the war against Islamic terrorism, which was declared against us on September 11, 2001. The cost of fighting this war is very small, compared to the $TRILLIONS of dollars the liberals in our government have WASTED on their phony efforts to promote “green energy” and socialism. Obama alone has wasted trillions of dollars pursuing his “dream” to put us on a “green energy” kick and make this country into the ”Union of Soviet Socialist America.” Then he loaned $billions to a RUSSIAN businessman to do I don’t know what. What possible thing could a RUSSIAN businessman who already HAS billions do to be something the United States ought to support? The liberals have been mostly “in control” for the last FIFTY years and have pushed us into bankruptcy by their prolific and silly spending. Their “big thing” is SOCIALISM, and if they succeed in imposing it fully on this country, we’re lost. They’re always talking about “sharing the wealth,” without talking about just WHO they plan to STEAL that wealth before they “share it.” They talk about “the rich not paying their share” of income taxes, completely ignoring the fact that “the rich” pay 86% of income taxes paid while earning a LOT less than that much of the totals earned. Yet the American people, most of whom simply don’t pay attention to politics, believe every word they spew. (Just common sense)
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Kagan is Biased
And she won’t recuse herself when the case involving Obama’s health care swindle comes up. It’s obvious she intends to attempt to get a “positive vote” for this unconstitutional law. Well, I guess that’s why Obama appointed her: she is his “secret weapon” in his fight to impose this unconstitutional socialist law upon us. There should be a law FORCING judges with KNOWN biases to recuse themselves from such cases, but don’t expect it from this Congress. You'll never see it until such a law hurts Republicans. (Glenn Beck)
Right to the Heart
As usual, Mallard Fillmore goes right to the heart of things. This cartoon takes on the fact that the “Occupy Whatever” fools always leave a stinky mess for somebody else to clean up, while the “Tea Parties” do not. Additionally, I saw a comment to a comic strip this morning claiming that Tea Party demonstrators bring guns to their demonstrations. Liberals are always anxious to demonstrate their ignorance, and that comment does it nicely. (Mallard Fillmore)
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Are Saudis REALLY Our Friends?
Yes, Saudi citizens were the killers in the 9/11 atrocity, and people (mostly liberals) say that’s no reason to blame the Saudi government. But how about THIS? The Saudi government has offered all-expenses-paid trips to the Haji pilgrimage for the Palestinian terrorists released from prison in trade for kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. You remember Israel released 1000 of them as RANSOM for this soldier. The Saudis CLAIM to be our friends, but if you look at what they DO, not what they SAY, the truth comes out. This is not the only time the Saudis have sided with terrorists while PROFESSING their “friendship” for America. I think our political dolts such as Obama need to “wise up.” Recruiters for al-Qaida will probably be there to recruit them. (The Blaze)
The "Sexual Harassment" Myth
A woman can accuse a man (or another woman) of sexual harassment if the other person “stands too close” and makes “hand movements” that makes her “uncomfortable.” Sexual harassment then becomes what the woman THINKS is sexual harassment. She gets to DEFINE what CONSTITUTES sexual harassment. This is wrong. But that is how we operate today. If a woman accuses a person of “sexual harassment” with some “vague reference” as to what CONSTITUTES it, they are believed implicitly. The other person is “stained” by the accusation and does NOT get to face his (or her) accuser, whose identity is kept secret. This is DOUBLY wrong, but again, this is how we operate today. If a man accuses a WOMAN of sexual harassment, he is laughed at, and nothing ever comes of the accusation. Some men say they WISH some woman would “sexually harass” them. The whole “sexual harassment” thing is based on an unconstitutional method allowing the person making the accusation to DEFINE what constitutes sexual harassment (subjective) while not allowing the accused to confront his (or her) accuser, which is patently unconstitutional, and rightly so. I feel sorry for ANYBODY some woman “targets” for a “sexual harassment” accusation. There is no way the accused can defend him(her)self against such vague, ill-defined accusations, especially when he(she) cannot directly confront his(her) accuser. (Just common sense)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
"Illegal For You, But Not For Us!"
I noted this several weeks ago and the liberal media has now “found it out” after they could ignore it no longer. I should not that Fox News was one of the first to “notice” it and report it. The story is this: members of Congress MAY “insider trade” with impunity and they use that to become millionaires during their tenure in Congress. Meanwhile they put people (like Martha Stewart) in PRISON for doing the same. How many times has a politician gone to Washington a pauper and left as a millionaire? It happens so often it is almost a “trend.” One politician (or two, maybe) are the Clintons, who waste not a moment in telling us how rich they are. Seems to me Bill Clinton only made about $40,000 a year as governor of Arkansas. I could name many more, including some who were already rich (like Nancy Peelosi) who become SUPER rich while in office by taking advantage of “insider knowledge.” This is WRONG, but don’t expect to see Congress do anything to reverse it. I’m really surprised to see CBS, a premier member of the “state-controlled Media” break this story. The pressure to do so must have been immense. (60 Minutes)
It's The Socialism, Stupid!
No, not you. Obama. He’s moaning about this country “losing its will.” Yet he’s promoting the very thing that will CAUSE us to “lose our will to produce”: taking away the fruits of our labors as socialism does. During his (I think) “ill-fated” first run for president, he (famously) told one man, “Joe The Plumber,” that we needed to “spread the wealth around.” That should have been a clear warning that he wanted to impose collectivism (socialism) on us. He should have been rejected, not elected, although I’m not sure John McCain would have been a lot better. Since he was elected, he has spent more money than there IS. More than all previous presidents PUT TOGETHER. He has made countless “regulations”that have made it a lot harder to start, OR run a business. Everything we do today requires PERMISSION from a nameless, faceless bureaucrat. Permission to do things that should not require “permission” from anybody. One day soon, I will need a "permit" to write a blog like this, and the government will control what I may say in it. That's the day I shut it down. The Golden Gate Bridge couldn’t be built today because nobody could afford to wade through all the “red tape” required to install ONE girder. The cost to build it would be TEN TIMES what it cost originally. Obama and the rest of the liberals are the CAUSE of the “loss of incentive” in this country (that's a SYMPTOM of socialism) and Obama has the GALL to bemoan its loss. (The Weekly Standard)
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Our Greatest Danger Today
Sharia Law. Don’t believe it? Read this: Recently, Matthew Staver, Founder and Chairman, Liberty Council, was to speak at an important national conference on the effect of Sharia law on the U. S. Constitution at the Hutton Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee, But before the conference could be held, the hotel violated a contract and cancelled the conference, citing “security concerns.” Which means, I suppose, they were afraid representatives of that “peaceful religion” of Islam might bomb the hotel or create some other kind of violence. This has nothing to do with the Constitution, you say? If the conference organizers sue the hotel to enforce the contract, who do you think will win, with the threat of violence from one side? “The fact is, private companies and municipalities are facing more and more pressure to cater to or adopt special rules for Muslims. In one recent case, Muslim workers claimed ‘unfair labor practices’ because they were told to clock out before taking prayer breaks. In another instance, claims of discrimination were leveled when Muslim women were told not to wear their head scarves for safety reasons before going on a roller coaster. And now in courts of law across this nation, Shariah law is already being applied in case after case. There are actually dozens of ‘Shariah law’ cases in our courts! A study by the Center for Security Policy found 50 state court cases that considered Shariah law.
To make matters worse, these cases referenced differing variations of Shariah law from 16 countries. The study concluded, ‘[J]udges are making decisions deferring to Shariah law even when those decisions conflict with constitutional protections’.” (Matthew Staver) Any judge that makes a decision based on anything BUT The Constitution of the United States should be removed for cause and his/her decision voided because the Constitution is the ONE basis for ALL. Our laws. Nothing else, nowhere. Just the Constitution. "[T]he truth is, the greatest threat our nation now faces from radical Islam is not in the form of another 9/11 attack, but rather in the slow, steady, and systematic implementation of Shariah law. It’s already happening in Europe where schools are adopting special rules for Muslim students during Rhamadan. Europe is so far gone that the Archbishop of Canterbury (the head of the Church of England) said that the adoption of Shariah law is 'unavoidable' and the idea that 'there is one law for everybody' is 'a bit of a danger'." (Ibid.) "Danger?" From where? From those representatives of that "peaceful religion" of Islam? The idea that there is one law for everybody IS the only right thing, and to think otherwise shows total IGNORANCE and should, again, be grounds for removal for a judge, who should know the law and how it works. Fear of retaliation should not be a factor. If we give in to far, civilization is lost. (Just common sense)
To make matters worse, these cases referenced differing variations of Shariah law from 16 countries. The study concluded, ‘[J]udges are making decisions deferring to Shariah law even when those decisions conflict with constitutional protections’.” (Matthew Staver) Any judge that makes a decision based on anything BUT The Constitution of the United States should be removed for cause and his/her decision voided because the Constitution is the ONE basis for ALL. Our laws. Nothing else, nowhere. Just the Constitution. "[T]he truth is, the greatest threat our nation now faces from radical Islam is not in the form of another 9/11 attack, but rather in the slow, steady, and systematic implementation of Shariah law. It’s already happening in Europe where schools are adopting special rules for Muslim students during Rhamadan. Europe is so far gone that the Archbishop of Canterbury (the head of the Church of England) said that the adoption of Shariah law is 'unavoidable' and the idea that 'there is one law for everybody' is 'a bit of a danger'." (Ibid.) "Danger?" From where? From those representatives of that "peaceful religion" of Islam? The idea that there is one law for everybody IS the only right thing, and to think otherwise shows total IGNORANCE and should, again, be grounds for removal for a judge, who should know the law and how it works. Fear of retaliation should not be a factor. If we give in to far, civilization is lost. (Just common sense)
Muslims Want Special Treatment At CATHOLIC University
They want “special Islamic footbaths” in restrooms there. They also want CROSSES removed from the same Catholic university. Which brings up the question: WHAT ARE Muslims even DOING going to a CATHOLIC University except to make trouble? Does anybody think Muslims would make special arrangements for Christian (or any other religion) students at MUSLIM universities? Not a chance. They wouldn’t even ALLOW such students in a university they control. So why does anybody CARE what they want? If they don’t like it there, they can go elsewhere. (Atlas Shrugs)
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
DNC Chair Schultz Wants to Kill Her Babies
Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz wants to have unprotected sex and kill the result instead of using birth control. She says saying That "Republicans saying life begins at conception is extreme and radical.” This from a woman who is herself “extreme and radical” and has screwed herself into the Democrat Party leadership I wonder how many of her progeny she has murdered in the process? (CNS News)
Biden Can't Take It
A reporter from The Hill confronted him about his silly comments that if we didn’t pass Obama’s latest spending bill (that he calls a “Jobs Bill”), murders and rapes will increase, and he has filed an “official protest.” I guess he’s just not used to reporters confronting him about his lies. Maybe he thinks guys like him ought to be allowed to lie to the public with impunity. I guess it’s because of his arrogant contempt for their “subjects” that’s responsible. Like Obama, he thinks nobody should be ALLOWED to question them. He thinks “rules were broken” by the question. (The Blaze)
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Obama's Jew-Hate Confirmed
I knew it before this happened, but Obama’s slipup with the French President when he didn’t realize the mike was “hot” confirms it. He told Sarcozy he “had to deal with Netanyahu every day.” Obviously he was exasperated at that. It has been obvious that Obama did not like Jews since he wrote in his book, “Audacity of Hope,” ‘I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.' If you’re going to “stand with the Muslims,” who HATE Jews and want to “push them into the sea.” That makes your position obvious, no matter how much you lie about it. Since he was elected (a BIG mistake), his policies toward Israel and the Jews cemented it. An apology for his remarks just won’t get it. He spoke his own mind in that unguarded moment and no amount of “apology” will change that. Obama thinks Israel is “the problem,” in the Middle East, which reveals his complete incompetence. (USA Today)
Impossible Agenda
Jonathan Miller, head of the “No Labels” organization, is pushing an impossible agenda to eliminate what he calls “hyper-partisanship” in Washington. No partisanship is a dictatorship where opinion is DICTATED by whoever is in power; one person or a committee who always agrees on everything. The Founders of this country hated each other, yes. And that’s a good thing when one group wants to implement things that are abhorrent to the rest. Who is to judge which side is right? Should somebody have the right to DICTATE which side is right? That’s what real bipartisanship is. They were right to set this government up in such a way as to allow the two sides to “fight it out,” rather than allow one entity to DICTATE what is, or is not right. Partisanship keeps one side or the other from “running over” the other side.
We are currently fighting to retain our free market system, keeping this country free. The other side wants to institute collectivism (socialism, Fascism, Communism, and many other “isms” are all different forms of collectivism) and force it on us. We don’t want that, and will continue to fight attempts to impose it on us. If that is “Hyper-partisanship,” so be it. Miller points out the “Occupy” movement and the “Tea Parties,” as equal examples of people being “tired of it.” But they’re not. The “Occupy” movement, small as it is, is a CONSTRUCT of Obama’s Washington, going after all the wrong goals (a free ride and socialism), while being supported by all the wrong people (The Communist Party and the Nazis, among others) while the “Tea Parties” are the REAL example of people being “tired of the bullsh-t.” (No Labels)
We are currently fighting to retain our free market system, keeping this country free. The other side wants to institute collectivism (socialism, Fascism, Communism, and many other “isms” are all different forms of collectivism) and force it on us. We don’t want that, and will continue to fight attempts to impose it on us. If that is “Hyper-partisanship,” so be it. Miller points out the “Occupy” movement and the “Tea Parties,” as equal examples of people being “tired of it.” But they’re not. The “Occupy” movement, small as it is, is a CONSTRUCT of Obama’s Washington, going after all the wrong goals (a free ride and socialism), while being supported by all the wrong people (The Communist Party and the Nazis, among others) while the “Tea Parties” are the REAL example of people being “tired of the bullsh-t.” (No Labels)
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Obama Is Incompetent!
Everything he does makes things worse. He has pledged to BANKRUPT the coal industry, even though there is nothing on the horizon to replace it and our energy system DEPENDS on it. He thinks Israel is “the problem” in the Middle East, though they have been attacked from every side and are ENTITLED to defend themselves. He disparages and wants to excessively tax the very people who CREATE all the jobs, making it more difficult to do so. States wish to control their borders against intrusion by not only Mexicans, but by Muslim extremists who want to blow us up for not believing exactly the same as they do, and Obama’s forces in the White House SUE them, saying they have NO RIGHT to demand he enforce the law. Liberals in Washington (and Obama) say federal law trumps state law when the Constitution plainly says otherwise. He guaranteed a half-Billon dollar loan to a "green energy" company even though his advisers TOLD him was a "risky venture" and which has declared bankruptcy after the first year in business, meaning WE (the taxpayers( have to make it good. This when he has SPENT all our money. (Just common sense)
"My People Still Love Me!"
That’s what Khaddaffi (however he spelled it the week they killed him) still thought, even as they tried to find him so they could kill him. That’s how far “out of it” he was in the final stages of his fall from ultimate power to hiding in a sewer pipe to stay hidden. When they found him, they understandably beat him and killed him. Naturally the liberals of the world, who never saw a murdering dictator they didn’t like, want an “investigation” into how he died. Which, of course, is an exercise in futility because he had it coming. I would have been surprised if he actually SURVIVED his capture. The many thousands of people he murdered would think it was too bad we couldn’t bring him back to life and kill him again, over and over, so he would suffer more. Of course, now we learn that, no matter how much of a murderer HE was, they want yet another murderer to replace him; they recently announced that Sharia Law was now “the law of the land.” So we’ve now traded one dictator for another. (
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Shiela Grady Got It Started
She went directly from being Chicago Mayor Daley’s employee to the presidency of the National Restaurant Association and she was the one who came up with the paperwork from the NRA that everybody wanted. The funny thing is, Cain has never worked in Chicago (Obama’s home town) and ALL the sexual harassment accusations emanated from where? Chicago, of course. And one of the accusers is an Obama employee. The Politico couldn’t come up with ANY specifics, and the story started to “go away.” So what happens? Two more women come forth with (guess what?) SPECIFIC allegations (again with NO proof of ANYTHING). And one of them is reputed to be a “saint.” By—guess what? A LIBERAL source. The evidence that the whole thing is a “put-up job” is mounting. (Rush Limbaugh on the radio)
"Kids, It's Okay to Have Sex"
And without your parent’s knowledge. That’s what California is telling them What is it about California liberals that tells them they can tell CHILDREN they can have sex without their parent’s knowledge? That reminds me of Bill Clinton’s assurances that oral sex is NOT sex. That’s how liberals THINK. Unfortunately, ANY TIME you put a sex organ (and that includes a tongue) into ANY orifice in another person it IS sex, whatever liberals might think. And children have no business having sex, with, or without their parent’s knowledge. (Patriot Action Network)
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Sounds Like A Vendetta To Me
The first woman who “came out” (fourteen years later) to accuse Herman Cain of sexual harassment seems to have a habit of making such charges and collecting on them. The second woman is a Democrat (now working in the Obama administration) and was instrumental in sending Elian Gonzalez back to his island prison in Cuba, where he has been brainwashed in the years since. Add to that the fact that such accusations are a regular thing Democrats use against strong candidates for the other side and you know that if you have any intelligence at all you must be suspicious. Put that together with the fact that Cain is a smart fellow and would not be stupid enough to do the things of which they accuse him. Yes, I'm a "right-winger." Which means I'm one of the only people who will look it this dispassionately and not take these women's unproven claims and allow them to derail a good candidate. Funny: Democrats accuse "right-wingers" of being racist, but guess who is adamantly AGAINST the only viable black candidate. (The Blaze)
"Tea Parties" Losing Influence (!?)
At least that’s what liberals want us to believe. Meanwhile, we’re finding out more and more about the kind of people (the few) who are involved in the “Occupy This or That” movement. Labor union thugs, criminals, and crazies. The story mentioned here is about one of those crazies who is the subject of an arrest warrant. He thinks because he’s from New York, he can sunbathe naked in a public park. He thinks all mayors are as much of a wimp as is Mayor Bloombutt in New York City. Liberals are going to learn just how much the Tea Parties have lost when we dispense with Obama and most of his liberal socialist henchmen in 2012. (The Smoking Gun)
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
A Common Ploy
Sexual harassment is a common ploy for use by Democrats when they have nothing else with which to flay an opposing politician. It cannot be proven as a rule, but people believe the allegations without proof, as if they were true just by the fact somebody brought them. Just the fact they were brought can ruin a politician’s career (if he is not a Democrat). Witness the current “high-tech lynching” of Herman Cain on the basis of nothing but the unsupported word of several women. Some people think just the fact of multiple accusations indicates the truth of them. I say that just means somebody may have hatched the whole thing up with the women getting together to bring the charges, true or not. Then there was the case of (now) Justice Thomas in an unsuccessful effort to derail his appointment to the Supreme Court. Again, it was a case of the unsupported word of ONE woman. It didn’t work that time. (Just common sense)
The "Free Ride Coalition"
The “Occupy Wall Street (and elsewhere) organization (and make no mistake, it IS an organization, whatever they claim) now has revealed what they want, for the most part. A “free ride.” They want the government to “forgive” their college loans so they can go to college for free. They don’t care about the taxpayers who have to PAY for their college education (if, indeed, they GET one). They have other demands, but they all mean a “free ride” for them at the expense of others. So they ought to change the name of their organization to “The Free Ride Coalition.” (Opposing Views)
Sunday, November 6, 2011
21 Laid Off Because of OWS Demonstration
The “Occupy Wall Street" crowd doesn't give a damn, but a man who sunk $4 million dollars of his own and investor's money into an expansion of his business during a recession is now faced with bankruptcy because of them. But they don't think this man should ever MAKE any money because he is “rich,” according to them. They think ALL the money should come to them. The biggest problem is the police presence required by the demonstration; a presence that has made a “desert” of a once bustling street. If things continue this way,he will lose this business, and everybody who depends on it for their living will suffer when he closes. That's what the “Occupy Wall Street” demonstrators have caused, directly. (The Blaze)
Liberals Are FOOLS
They say “corporations are NOT people.” What do they THINK they are? They WORK for a corporation and a corporation pays their salary. Are THEY a “person?” They drive a car to work or ride a subway; the car is made by a corporation and the subway is RUN by one. Every day they require products and services PROVIDED by corporations and the many people employed there. If not for the corporations, their life would be a lot different. But they're apparently not smart enough to know that. Stephen Colbert (a "militant liberal) wants the OWS protesters to change their slogan from “corporations are not people” to “corporations are NOW people.” Corporations have ALWAYS been people! They have not “become” people just recently. (The Blaze)
Thursday, November 3, 2011
And They Want Him to Run Treasury
Jon Corzine was an incompetent governor, squandering BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars. Then he did the same thing to a private company he owned later. Now Obama wants to appoint him to lead the Treasury, replacing a man who didn't pay his taxes. At one time his company was considered “financially secure enough” to sell government debt for the Fed. Now his company is being investigated to find hundreds of millions in “lost” money after he declared bankruptcy. It should be noted he raised $500,000.00 for Obama's re-election campaign since April. Obama better look fast to make sure any of it is still there. (The Examiner)
OWS Promises Violence
Professor Alex Callinicos, a self-proclaimed Marxist (if you don't know what a Marxist is, you'd better learn, and quick, in your own defense) and professor of European Studies at King's College in London says “violence is only avoidable if the 99% accept the dictates of the 1%.” Aside from the wrong numbers (these people are NOT 1%), that's not going to happen. So I guess violence is unavoidable by their own words. They are now PROMISING violence if we don't accept their dictates, all of which are STUPID, and if accepted, would destroy this entire country. Of course, Obama is already on his way to accomplishing that, on his own. (The Blaze)
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Computers Down
Yes, that's right: COMPUTERS (plural) have been down since last Thursday. All told, I have lost FOUR computers in the last two weeks. The first one was the one loaned me by my tech when he LOST my NEW computer. Then the one he gave me to replace that one went down immediately, as did the next one, and the next one in quick succession. If I didn't know better I'd think somebody has been sending me virulent viruses to shut me up. Fortunately, all were still under warranty so all it cost me was time and frustration. If you see this, the latest computer has not gone down.
Muslims Hate Jews
They also hate Christians, and especially Catholics. And they hate Hindus, etc. They hate members of ANY religion but their own. And I mean THEIR OWN. They even hate MUSLIMS whose beliefs are slightly different from theirs. Muslims are the KINGS of intolerance, yet they accuse us of intolerance at every opportunity while griping and complaining about our religious practices. They are so insecure about their own religion they will condemn to DEATH any Muslim who converts to another religion. They are so insecure about their women that they force them to go about wearing scarves at the least. And complete body covering at the worst. And ANY man may BEAT a woman in the street if they DARE show an ankle. Recently a suit was filed in behalf of a small group of Muslims who were attending the CATHOLIC University to force CU to install special “foot washing” rooms for Muslims.
For what reason were MUSLIMS attending the CATHOLIC University? My guess is to “infiltrate” it and cause as much trouble as possible. And they have; in addition to the “foot washing” farce, another suit was filed to force CU to make available to them, one room with NO Catholic indicias in it. Does anybody think MUSLIMS would allow such things to accommodate CATHOLICS or members of any other religion attending universities THEY control? Not a chance. Members of ANY other religion would not be ALLOWED to attend a university they control. The Muslim religion allows “mercy killings” of any WOMAN who has sex with anybody but her husband, even if she was RAPED. Meanwhile, the man gets a “slap on the wrist” as the rapist, IF he gets that. They make no secret of their intent to impose Sharia Law upon the entire world, and they have succeeded in many countries as a result of unrest there. Countries like Egypt, which recently overthrew their dictator; countries like Libya, who recently deposed, then killed their dictator. In both cases they traded one dictator for another.
Sharia Law is already being imposed in countries Muslims control. In Israel, where Jews rightfully run things, they call it “Jewish Occupation of Palestine” while working hard to undermine everything done by the Jews. They lob rockets indiscriminately into Jewish neighborhoods, killing and maiming men, women, AND children. There, they CALL themselves Palestinians and claim land that belongs rightfully to the Jews as their own. In Afghanistan they call themselves the Taliban and blow things and people up daily. Theirs is NOT a “religion,” but in reality is an IDEOLOGY masquerading as a religion. It allows them to hide behind a RELIGION to do their nefarious deeds. Its “rules” are DESIGNED to allow their “religious leaders” to “run the lives” of those ignorant enough to believe them and obey. If they are allowed to continue unabated, we ALL will suffer under their tyranny. (Just common sense)
For what reason were MUSLIMS attending the CATHOLIC University? My guess is to “infiltrate” it and cause as much trouble as possible. And they have; in addition to the “foot washing” farce, another suit was filed to force CU to make available to them, one room with NO Catholic indicias in it. Does anybody think MUSLIMS would allow such things to accommodate CATHOLICS or members of any other religion attending universities THEY control? Not a chance. Members of ANY other religion would not be ALLOWED to attend a university they control. The Muslim religion allows “mercy killings” of any WOMAN who has sex with anybody but her husband, even if she was RAPED. Meanwhile, the man gets a “slap on the wrist” as the rapist, IF he gets that. They make no secret of their intent to impose Sharia Law upon the entire world, and they have succeeded in many countries as a result of unrest there. Countries like Egypt, which recently overthrew their dictator; countries like Libya, who recently deposed, then killed their dictator. In both cases they traded one dictator for another.
Sharia Law is already being imposed in countries Muslims control. In Israel, where Jews rightfully run things, they call it “Jewish Occupation of Palestine” while working hard to undermine everything done by the Jews. They lob rockets indiscriminately into Jewish neighborhoods, killing and maiming men, women, AND children. There, they CALL themselves Palestinians and claim land that belongs rightfully to the Jews as their own. In Afghanistan they call themselves the Taliban and blow things and people up daily. Theirs is NOT a “religion,” but in reality is an IDEOLOGY masquerading as a religion. It allows them to hide behind a RELIGION to do their nefarious deeds. Its “rules” are DESIGNED to allow their “religious leaders” to “run the lives” of those ignorant enough to believe them and obey. If they are allowed to continue unabated, we ALL will suffer under their tyranny. (Just common sense)
Big Difference, Stupid!
Comedian Jon Stewart, who PRETENDS to be a news commentator, says, “How are the 'Occupy Wall Street' protesters any different from the “Tea Parties?” What A STUPID QUESTION that IS! The answer is simple. The “OWS” demonstrators don’t even know what they want and their “demands” are all over the place, mostly leaning toward a “socialist America.” They get arrested by the hundreds in one day and leave messes everywhere they go. They even crap on police cars. The Tea parties, on the other hand, simply want our freedom back, lower taxes, fewer “regulations” and less “micromanaging” of our lives. They want the government to obey the Constitution, from which is derived the law of the land. They’re tired of hearing liberal lies. And they don’t get arrested, even when the local cops are brainwashed against them. (The Blaze)
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
The Heights of Stupidity
The “Occupy Wherever” crowd now claims the Tea Party STOLE the “Don’t Tread on Me” logo from them. And what delusion makes them think that? Actually, it's the other way around. The “Tea Parties” have been in existence and using that logo for a long time before some ignorant liberal thought up the OWS idea in the first place. The very IDEA of them “stealing” the logo is absurd, since it is a symbol of the revolution that CREATED this country and CANNOT be stolen, except by people whose goals are completely opposite to what that logo means. Like the OWS "movement." (The Blaze)
For Doing What THEY Do
Liberals are criticizing Hank Williams, Jr. for comparing Obama with Hitler (which he did NOT) while comparing everything we do with Hitler themselves. And people who pay no attention to politics BUY it. They COUNT on those people who pay no attention to politics for their gains. They “condition” them every day in the news and they then want to attack people like me for trying to set them straight. One man called me a “right-wing LOON” for citing the IRS figures that showed 86% of ALL income taxes were paid by the top 25% of taxpayers. He couldn’t answer that so he just started calling me names, as liberals ALWAYS do when faced with facts they don’t like. (The Blaze)
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
"Occupy wall Street" is Marxist
They CLAIM it is “without leadership,” but they’re lying. It has definite MARXIST beginnings, from way back in the sixties. If you don’t know what Marxism is, you’re woefully undereducated and better learn, quick. Think “Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.” If you don’t know what THAT was, you’ve been living under a rock for a long time. “The OWS is NOT a ‘leaderless movement’. The ‘useful idiots’ in the streets may not know who the Big Leader(s) are- BUT that does not mean there is NOT a Leader. George Soros, Steve Lerner and Obama/the DNC are behind most of the groups and the $$$$ behind OWS.” (Yahoo News)
Corruption of the Bride
“How much does it cost taxpayers to fly First Lady Michelle Obama, her two daughters and her mother, a niece and a nephew, a hairstylist and makeup artists to South Africa and Botswana to give a few speeches, meet Nelson Mandela, and enjoy a safari on a private game preserve?” A half a million dollars, and that’s just for the air fare. Her small daughters were listed on the flight manifest as “senior staff members.” Since when does this government hire children THAT young to be “senior staff members?” Yes, she did give a few speeches. Obama does that, too, to “legitimize" HIS junkets. So do Senators and congressmen(women). They can’t cut costs anywhere, but they have enough money for their junkets, even if they have to LIE about members of their parties. Gadzooks, what a bunch of crooks! He's coming to Denver today and they rented ELEVEN cars for his “hangers-on,” and that doesn't even include his own limos. (Washington Examiner)
Sunday, October 23, 2011
"Don't Criticize Democrats!"
Democrats are responsible for ALL the things the idiots of “Occupy Wall Street (or whatever)” are protesting, but they insist on blaming “Wall Street” exclusively, and Republicans peripherally. What kind of FOOLS are these? This shows the kind of fools who are running things in Washington, on BOTH sides. One protester moaned about people saying “we have no specific demands, but I have one: my child is hungry.” That’s Obama’s fault! Not Wall Street. Without Wall Street, the people who invest money in jobs-creating projects have less, or no money to invest. Yes, there ARE millionaires who “take advantage of the system,” DEMANDING subsidies when they do not deserve them (Think “Solyndra”). But others do not. They just “do their thing,” employ many people, and create jobs and MORE millionaires without demanding money from pliable politicians like Obama. These fools who are demonstrating (in small groups all over the nation) are merely showing their own ignorance. Not like the Tea Parties, who are TRULY spontaneous, unlike OWS, they know what they want and are going to get it. (Rush Limbaugh)
Karzai Learned His Lesson
He used to say we should “talk to the Taliban.” Now, after many tries and many failures, he now concedes “talking to the terrorists is futile.” Why is it that a guy like me, from thousands of miles away, and with NO close association with Islamic terrorists, knows this, while Karzai, who has LIVED closely with them, does not? (I follow common sense and logic.) The Islamic terrorists want ONE THING: for EVERYBODY in the world to be THEIR KIND of Muslim, or DEAD. There’s NO middle ground. They might AGREE to various things, but in the final analysis, they will only keep their word as long as it suits their plans. It’s in their RELIGION to lie to “Infidels.” (Yahoo News)
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Computer Down All Week
I lost the second hard drive in two weeks last Sunday (10/16/11) and haven’t been able to post until now. I’m in the process of reloading all my software on this new computer and it might be a while before I can post again. Please excuse the inconvenience. I may be able to post something tomorrow.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
"A World Without God"
That’s what the militant atheists want. They want nothing to do with God and that’s okay. It’s their choice, and they’re entitled to it. But they also want to take God away from members of other religions (Atheism IS a religion in itself). They don’t like competition in their religion. What hurts them if OTHERS believe in God (or Allah, or whatever else HE’S called)? If you don’t believe the claims made in the various religions, just laugh them off and leave other people to their beliefs. They are not hurting you. You are free to NOT believe in God, but you are NOT free to stop OTHERS from so believing. Atheists are acting like Islamic extremists, who want to KILL people for believing differently than they do. If the atheists succeed in their efforts, that will be the next thing on their list. (The Blaze)
What An Imbecile!
Obama’s senior advisor Valerie Jarett says “the point of government is to give people a livelihood so they can provide for their families.” What? I thought the point of government was to GOVERN and simply stay out of the way so those with the will to do so can EARN their livelihood. I think Obama needs to create at least one new job; hers, for someone else who has the brains to do the job. This ignorant woman certainly doesn’t. But will he? Doubtful because he AGREES with her ignorance. Another new job opening he should "create" is HIS. (The Blaze)
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Worried About Our Killing Enemies
The liberals (Democrats) are SO worried about the government killing when we go after such as bin Laden and “American citizen” al-Alwaki. They’re wearing out their crying handkerchiefs. But they don’t say a word about their own tendencies in the same direction. If Bush had done some of the things Obama ans other liberals have done, there would be no end of stories in the left-leaning media. In any case, people like bin Laden and al-Alwaki have lost the right to be considered to have “rights.” They have murdered wantonly thousands of Americans and others. They are ENEMY COMBATANTS, wherever they were born, and are subject to being killed or captured, wherever they hide. Bush told them there was NOWHERE they could hide from our retribution and I’m happy to see that Obama, no matter how timid he is in declaring this AS a war, has followed that lead. Liberals will cry crocodile tears when we go into Pakistan and other countries where they’re hiding to kill and capture them, and will be unable to wring out their handkerchiefs, they’ll be so wet. But I hope we will continue to make the Islamic terrorists PAY with their lives. (Steven Hayward/Power Line)
Talk About Turning It Around!
Democrat Shiela Jackson Lee, one of the biggest practitioners or “racial politics” (after Obama and his henchmen) is telling US to “stop the racial politics! What a FOOL this woman is!” She actually BELIEVES it is the CONSERVATIVES who “play the race card.” Then minutes later she tells her audience to “buy African-American.” Is this NOT “playing the race card?” And this is the kind of people we (not me) have elected to run this country! Sheesh! We have to stop electing fools like this. Or we’re going “down the tubes” faster and faster every election. Democrats are best at accusing their opponents of doing the very thing THEY are doing the most. (The Blaze)
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Same Old Crap!
I get so tired of hearing (mostly) liberal and/or socialist politicians say the same old crap, time and again. Things like “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer” when they don’t get their way. Things like “tax the rich” and “the rich don’t pay their fair share” when they not only DO, they pay MORE than their share. The Senate “shut down” Obama’s latest SPENDING bill (he calls it his “jobs bill”) and he uses the raggedy old “rich get richer” bullsh-t. Sometimes I wish they’d come up with something new to bullsh-t us with instead of the crappy old statements we’ve heard so many times they’ve gotten moldy. They just insult our intelligence. (Just common sense)
Incompetent Politicians
“Oops! We found some money! Never mind the possible government shutdown.” (FEMA) Thus, the end of the most recent panic over government funding, in which politicians “cried wolf” again for the fourth time (I think) this year (maybe it was more), threatening the shutdown of the government over lack of money. Why is it the government, whose ONLY job is figuring out how to spend our money—can’t seem to do it for more than a few weeks at a time? Are we doomed to have to listen to the panicked cries of these incompetent politicians forever? When are we going to elect some COMPETENT politicians? Are we soon going to ignore such panicked cries for “emergency legislation” to avert “disaster?” It's always an "emergency" because those in charge don't know how to run the government. Then we're supposed to "rescue them" by letting them tax us some more. (Planetizen)
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Who's Behind "Occupy Wall Street?"
They SAY there are “no leaders” for their “Occupy Wall street” demonstrations, but there ARE. Maybe they’re not DIRECT leaders, but they are leaders, nonetheless. They are people like George Soros, who has many organizations that he funds, using his vast $billions; then there’s the “Tides Foundation” and ”Code Pink,” both funded by Soros (who paid to print their “free” newspaper, “Occupy Wall Street Journal”). Jesse Jackson, Michael Moore and Al Sharpton are supporters of these demonstrations, and I expect to see them actively marching with the demonstrators, as is self-admitted communist Van Jones, who has verbally aligned himself with them. Cornel West, the college professor who says Herman Cain should “get off the crack pipe” has also praised these fools. Former House Speaker Nancy Peelosi also supports them, as does President Obama, although he has not said so openly. But you can tell by his facial expressions when he talks about them. The “usual suspects,” like Harry Belafonte and Kayne West, and other “show biz” celebrities support them. Many of the demonstrators are volunteers (lured there by free sex, drugs, and booze), but many admit to being paid, some up to $20 an hour. In Boston, they demonstrate in favor of an Islamic terrorist who planned “violent Jihad against the United States. (Just common sense)
Denying the Obvious
Politicians (mostly liberals) do it all the time, then go on as if you believed them. A good example: Obama denying he is pushing “class envy.” Another is denying the plain fact that Social Security is a PYRAMID scheme, also called a “Ponzi scheme” after the name of the man who made the scheme famous in our lifetime. Bernie Madoff is one of the best-known users of the pyramid scheme lately, and he is in prison. Not so for the government agents operating the Social Security system, which is today “not quite” a pyramid scheme any more because of certain changes from the original; notably the fact it is MANDATORY for those who do not work in privileged jobs that are not subject to it, notably government jobs. Another factor is that the government looted the so-called “Social Security Lockbox” where the money was supposed to be kept, early on. But it was DESIGNED after the pyramid scheme and still works much the same. Rick Perry should have called it SIMILAR to a Ponzi scheme and been more accurate, giving his opponents less opportunity to call him a liar. (Just common sense)
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Big Difference, Stupid!
Comedian Jon Stewart, who PRETENDS to be a news commentator, says, “How are the “Occupy Wall Street” protesters any different from the “Tea Parties?” What A STUPID QUESTION that IS! The answer is simple. The “OWS” demonstrators don’t even know what they want and their “demands” are all over the place, mostly leaning toward a “socialist America.” They get arrested by the hundreds in one day and leave messes everywhere they go. The Tea parties, on the other hand, simply want our freedom back, lower taxes, fewer “regulations” and less “micromanaging” of our lives. They want the government to obey the Constitution, from which is derived the law of the land. They’re tired of hearing liberal lies. They don’t get arrested and don't leave messes, even when the local cops are brainwashed against them. They're the opposite sides of a very different coin. (The Blaze)
"Quantitative Easing" A Federal Crime
Why then, does nobody arrest and prosecute Ben Vernanke, the perpetrator? Because he is the boss of the Fed? Does that absolve him of the criminality of counterfeiting? If I did it, I would soon be in prison. What’s different about him? That he was appointed by a president to do this? Why then, does nobody arrest and prosecute the president for counterfeiting? It amazes me how government figures commit crimes every day and nobody even CALLS it a crime: like that former Ponzi (pyramid) scheme called Social Security? Again, if I did that, I’d be in prison. But the government does it, and has been doing it every day since 1938 when FDR foisted it upon the American people, and nobody calls it a crime. (The Smoking Gun)
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Global Warming Unraveling
You remember the global warming swindle don’t you? The one that made former veep AlGore $BILLIONS AND A Nobel Peace Prize? The one Al won’t let you call “global warming” any more because that name doesn’t work to illustrate the lie any more? It’s beginning to “unravel” seriously with the increasing revelations of scientific fraud and the retractions that have resulted. Scientists all over the world have “fudged the numbers” and outright LIED to support Al’s swindle. Now they’re being found out and Al’s insistence that ANYBODY who doubts him is “not in the mainstream of science” doesn’t work any more. His scheme is being revealed and I figure he’ll be buried under lawsuits soon; lawsuits that will hopefully take away all his ill-gotten gains. (Power Line)
Why IS IT A Controversy?
Texas Gov. Perry called Social Security a “Ponzi scheme” and has been excoriated from BOTH SIDES for it. People who deny that Social Security is a “Ponzi scheme are revealing their own ignorance. Social Security may not STILL be a Ponzi scheme today because of several factors: 1. A Ponzi scheme is VOLUNTARY; SS is NOT. A Ponzi scheme keeps the money paid in to use in paying off later suck . . . er, uh, investors. SS does not. The money paid in by early suck . . . uh, investors was stolen and spent a long time ago. So yes, SS is NO LONGER a “pure” Ponzi scheme. But it still WORKS like one. It takes money paid in by early suck . . . uh, investors and uses it to pay off later suck . . . uh, investors. (Just common sense)
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
White House Screams At Reporter
Seems like reporting scandal is a reporter’s job. But the White House apparently doesn’t agree with that. “The Fast and Furious scandal, in which the Justice Department knowingly gave Mexican criminal gangs thousands of guns, just keeps escalating. The latest development centers around whether or not Attorney General Eric Holder lied to Congress about having knowledge of the controversial gun trafficking operation. Recently released documents say Holder was briefed about the operation long before he told the Judiciary Committee he was first aware of what was going on (Holder now claims he misunderstood the question that was being asked) . What's more, CBS News investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson -- who's been covering the scandal from the beginning -- says in an interview on the Laura Ingraham Show today that the White House and Justice Department have taken to screaming at her for reporting on the story.” This administration is coming very close to “coming apart at the seams” if they “scream at” a reporter for covering the story about one of the biggest scandals involving the White House in this administration. (Weekly Standard)
ENRON and Solyndra
Solyndra is much like Enron, except the person who got conned was Obama and his fixation with that AlGore swindle, global warming. He thinks “sun power” is the answer, when it isn’t. But he was willing to put $535 million into it; a sum most of us don’t have, and would not be willing to put into a questionable and unproven technology if we DID have it. (If we DID have it, that would be because we’re too smart to fall for a swindle like the one Obama fell for with OUR money. But politicians like him don’t have to be smart because they don’t have to EARN the money they squander). When you think in trillions (you don’t own, and didn’t have to EARN), you can lose LOT of money because you’re investing “other people’s money.” (Power Line)
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Media Hates Fox News
Because Fox is now doing the job they USED TO do and making them look useless. They wonder why they’re losing readers and watchers so fast; it’s because people are tired of hearing their liberal drivel and move over to Fox, which they can depend on for the truth and both sides of any story (so far). The same is true in newspapers. Newspapers are failing at an unprecedented rate, all over the country. In Denver, after The Rocky Mountain News failed, The Denver Post immediately raised their prices by 50%, while making their paper 25% smaller the same day. I expect them to fail before the end of the year unless Obama “bails them out” because they’re the only major paper left in Denver. Then they MAY last a few more years spending taxpayer money while they continue to do Obama's bidding . (Just common sense)
Discrediting the REAL Experts
The media didn’t like it when some eminent economists published a book showing just how wrong they were so they labeled them “too controversial” and banned mention of their opinion. Washing ton then ignored them and “shunned” them. But their book is still out there and we haven’t yet gotten to the point in this nation where Obama can BAN such books if he doesn’t agree with their content. (News Max)
Saturday, October 1, 2011
No Place to Hide
That’s what top al-Qaida operatives are learning. Bin Laden learned it in May (if Obama is to be believed). I think it was one of his (bin Laden) doubles that was killed; the ones they used to make us think he was still alive after Bush bombed one of his caves with him in it years ago, making him into a ”crispy critter.” Anwar al-Alaki and Samir Khan, both American born, and both top al-Qaida operatives, were killed by an unmanned drone in YEMEN, fergawdsake! I bet they thought they were safe there. Some liberals and even a few CONSERVATIVES say killing them ANYWHERE without a trial and a conviction is unlawful. I say they’re not "criminals," with "Miranda Rights," but are “enemy combatants” who indiscriminately kill Americans and others, and they’re “fair game” in a war where they don’t wear uniforms and have no recognizable government (except maybe Iran) involved. They have, by their actions, FOREFEITED any claim to “due process. I say, kill them where you find them. (Yahoo News)
The Enemy Is Hard to Find
ENEMY IS HARD TO FIND: There’s a good reason why we’re having a problem taking the Islamic terrorists down, even though we ARE “making inroads, having killed some of their top commanders and messing up their infrastructure. There is no recognized country involved, as there is in most wars. They’re like roaches; turn on the light and they all “scatter” into hiding. They never stand and fight. They know they’d die if they did that. So we have to “hunt them down” and kill them. Liberals treat this as if it were “just another war” and it is not. They think it is SEVERAL wars, and it is not; it is ONE WAR against Islamic terrorists (even if Obama doesn’t want to use that term) with several theaters. If they don’t “wake up” and realize that, we’re going to lose this war as we have every other war started and run by liberals. (Just common sense)
Thursday, September 29, 2011
We Have Cancer
This country is infected. It has a “cancer.” That cancer is collectivism (a/k/a: socialism, Fascism, progressivism, etc.), and Obama is a big, cancerous TUMOR on the heart of America. He needs to be “cut out” at the next opportunity. If he remains, this country is DOOMED. His goal is a “Soviet Socialist America,” and he is working HARD to achieve it. If he remains in power, he WILL achieve it. I love this country. There are few countries in which I could say such a thing about the president without going to prison at best, or being executed at worst. I want to keep it that way, and if Obama attains his goals, it won’t stay that way for long. He’s already creating the mechanism to “get rid of” his enemies; and his enemies are ANYBODY who disagrees with him and has the temerity to say so. (Amazon)
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