Thursday, December 22, 2011

"Cleaning Up Bush's Mess"

Does Obama really think we still believe this lie? If he does, he;s stupider than I thought he was. He’s been in office long enough now for ANY “mess” to have his Name on it. It’s time to start “owning up to” his own responsibility for the “mess we’re in.” And it IS HIS MESS. A mess Democrats CREATED to get him into office. What Bush did was continue an atmosphere that caused the longest running economic boom that started with Reagan’s tax rate cuts to continue until the Democrat law (“Citizen’s Reinvestment Act of 1977”) finished its job of killing the financial picture in America by FORCING lenders to loan money to people who could not afford to repay it, a “recipe for disaster” if there ever was one, no matter how much they protest otherwise. Just use your own common sense. (The Blaze)

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