Sunday, December 18, 2011

Profit is the Purpose

Liberals think the only purpose of business is to provide jobs for people. Nothing could be further from the truth. The whole purpose of ANY business is to make a profit for the owner. Employment opportunities only become available when the business NEEDS things to be done. Then they hire people. It’s not the other way around. They don’t hire people for the good of those people, it’s for THEIR OWN good. Without that profit motive there’s NO REASON for anybody to go in business. Bill Gates, for instance, didn’t go in business to make a bunch of millionaires along the way to becoming one himself. That was a “side-benefit” of it. He also created many “well-to-do” people along the way, also as a “side benefit.” Not as a central purpose. Anybody who thinks a company should sell their wares for the same amount of money they paid for it is a FOOL. But that’s what liberals think. Therefore, they’re fools. (Just common sense)

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