Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Iran Asking For It

Iran has been “Asking for it” for a long time, beginning with their kidnapping of American diplomats while that wimp, Carter was in power. I think Carter surprised them with his attempt at rescue, but not with his incompetence in the attempt. They’ve been “picking at us” for many years, including several kidnappings for ransom and many things that under a REAL president (not Carter-like Obama) would result in Iran becoming a steaming pile of rubble. What galls me is the guy making the most noise today was SEEN among the kidnappers of the diplomats before they “chickened out’ and released them when Reagan was elected. Like Saddam Hussein, Ahmadinjerk will end up in a “deep hole,” hiding from the people he used to “rule” after we “take him down.” This is how people like him end. (Yahoo News)


Anonymous said...

Yes, they all run for their "hidey holes" when justice comes to them. Am-a-dumb-a-job will end the same way.

This is another example of defective brains in action. They are totally irrational. They do not see the clear and present danger in grabbing the tiger's tail when they poke at and pick at the United States. We have been far too patient with these unevolved beings. (I am not sure they are humans. I think they have evolved from an entirely different species that are much lower on the evolutionary scale and they are not doing at all very well in 'catching up'.)

Ray Thomas said...
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Ray Thomas said...

Anon: "Grabbing the tiger's tail" is a good way of putting it. Another is "tugging on Superman's cape." He'll get his, and American liberals will wail. But who cares?

Anonymous said...

Not I. I hope he gets his soon.

Anonymous said...

So now Iran has our drone and the only thing obama does is say, "Pretty please. Can we have our drone back?" I can see Ahm-a-bumb-a-job licking his chops over this obama stupidity.

I understand he was given several alternatives in immediately dealing with it, including destroying it immediately, but he refused them all, waited, and then said "Pretty please". And why do we not have a way to blow the thing up remotely if we see it is going to crash?? If I could think that up you would think our defense department could. Or maybe I am giving them too much credit?

obama is a humiliation to this country. And while he was bowing and scraping in Japan, apologizing for bombing them, as part of his Humiliate the USA campaign, I wonder if he got an apology in return for them attacking Pearl Harbor?

obama is daft! There is really something screwy with him. He is the biggest mistake we have ever made in a presidential election - - and maybe just the biggest mistake we have ever made. I use the term "we" loosely as I certainly did not vote for him and know you didn't.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Yes he could have destroyed it remotely, but he and his peons are too incompetent to think of it unil too late. Ahmadinijerk would NEVER give it back until he has squeezed every secret out of it he could. You're right; I didn't even fall for his bull the first time like I did for Clinton. Remember, I wasn't paying attention back then.

Anonymous said...

I never voted for Clinton. I was paying attention then and voted against him twice. Twice I was floored that he got re-elected, which is why I am so worried about obama getting relected.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: I didn't vote for him either. But I remember thinking, "He talks a good game but will he deliver?" Not thinking at the time that he wasn't actually talking a GOOD game.