Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Democrats Must Really Be Aftraid

Democrats can always be depended upon to tell us who frightens them the most. He (she)’s the one they attack the hardest and with the “dirtiest tricks.” Yesterday it was Sarah Palin; today it seems to be Herman Cain. I’m not a big Herman Cain fan. I don’t like his 9-9-9-plan. I think it’s too much. But I like him otherwise and I’ve been keeping track of all the phony accusations of sexual misconduct. Apparently two accusations didn’t work so they’re “trotting out” a third. This one with more “specifics.” Now he’s supposed to have had a 13-year “consensual” affair. The thing I hate is that Cain “waffles” when asked to simply deny ANY sex. Like most politicians, he says he wants to wait and see what she says before answering. What is this? Either he did or he didn’t, no matter what she says. C’mawn, Herman! Don’t put it off, ANSWER the question. Waffling only makes you look more guilty. Of course if he were a Democrat an illicit affair over 13 years would be a resume enhancement. (Mail.com)

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