Sunday, November 13, 2011

Impossible Agenda

Jonathan Miller, head of the “No Labels” organization, is pushing an impossible agenda to eliminate what he calls “hyper-partisanship” in Washington. No partisanship is a dictatorship where opinion is DICTATED by whoever is in power; one person or a committee who always agrees on everything. The Founders of this country hated each other, yes. And that’s a good thing when one group wants to implement things that are abhorrent to the rest. Who is to judge which side is right? Should somebody have the right to DICTATE which side is right? That’s what real bipartisanship is. They were right to set this government up in such a way as to allow the two sides to “fight it out,” rather than allow one entity to DICTATE what is, or is not right. Partisanship keeps one side or the other from “running over” the other side.

We are currently fighting to retain our free market system, keeping this country free. The other side wants to institute collectivism (socialism, Fascism, Communism, and many other “isms” are all different forms of collectivism) and force it on us. We don’t want that, and will continue to fight attempts to impose it on us. If that is “Hyper-partisanship,” so be it. Miller points out the “Occupy” movement and the “Tea Parties,” as equal examples of people being “tired of it.” But they’re not. The “Occupy” movement, small as it is, is a CONSTRUCT of Obama’s Washington, going after all the wrong goals (a free ride and socialism), while being supported by all the wrong people (The Communist Party and the Nazis, among others) while the “Tea Parties” are the REAL example of people being “tired of the bullsh-t.” (No Labels)

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