Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Who's Behind "Occupy Wall Street?"

They SAY there are “no leaders” for their “Occupy Wall street” demonstrations, but there ARE. Maybe they’re not DIRECT leaders, but they are leaders, nonetheless. They are people like George Soros, who has many organizations that he funds, using his vast $billions; then there’s the “Tides Foundation” and ”Code Pink,” both funded by Soros (who paid to print their “free” newspaper, “Occupy Wall Street Journal”). Jesse Jackson, Michael Moore and Al Sharpton are supporters of these demonstrations, and I expect to see them actively marching with the demonstrators, as is self-admitted communist Van Jones, who has verbally aligned himself with them. Cornel West, the college professor who says Herman Cain should “get off the crack pipe” has also praised these fools. Former House Speaker Nancy Peelosi also supports them, as does President Obama, although he has not said so openly. But you can tell by his facial expressions when he talks about them. The “usual suspects,” like Harry Belafonte and Kayne West, and other “show biz” celebrities support them. Many of the demonstrators are volunteers (lured there by free sex, drugs, and booze), but many admit to being paid, some up to $20 an hour. In Boston, they demonstrate in favor of an Islamic terrorist who planned “violent Jihad against the United States. (Just common sense)

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