Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Enemy Is Hard to Find

ENEMY IS HARD TO FIND: There’s a good reason why we’re having a problem taking the Islamic terrorists down, even though we ARE “making inroads, having killed some of their top commanders and messing up their infrastructure. There is no recognized country involved, as there is in most wars. They’re like roaches; turn on the light and they all “scatter” into hiding. They never stand and fight. They know they’d die if they did that. So we have to “hunt them down” and kill them. Liberals treat this as if it were “just another war” and it is not. They think it is SEVERAL wars, and it is not; it is ONE WAR against Islamic terrorists (even if Obama doesn’t want to use that term) with several theaters. If they don’t “wake up” and realize that, we’re going to lose this war as we have every other war started and run by liberals. (Just common sense)

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