Sunday, October 10, 2010

Why Is He Surprised?

A Muslim student finds a FBI tracking device attached to his car. Why is he surprised? Apparently they have more to be suspicious about than the simple fact that he is Muslim. There are way too many Muslims in this country for them to be tracking all of them, not to mention no real reason to do so. The ACLU says they’ve “been looking for such a case.” They want to “throw lawyers at it.” The ACLU would be better used in REAL privacy cases rather than make it harder for our authorities to keep track of Muslims who are on their “watch lists,” as this man was. Seems to me the ACLU is more interested in the privacy of Muslims than in the safety of Americans. Maybe there are some charges that can be brought against THEM for their pattern of harassment of people who are trying to keep us alive and free. Maybe he’s innocent. The FBI seems to think so. If he had not found the device, no harm, no foul. The FBI would have come and got their device and nobody would have been any the wiser. If he had had contact with Muslim terrorists, they would know about it, and probably save some lives. (The Blaze)

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