Sunday, October 31, 2010

Too Much Corruption Out There

When I first got into this, I wondered how I would find enough material to keep things going. But I didn’t have to worry. There is so much “good stuff” out there I couldn’t cover it all if there were fifteen of me. I can’t possibly cover even a small amount of the corruption that is out there, especially with the Democrats “in control” in Washington. Worse, as I get older, I SEE a lot more than I can possibly capture in this computer and put into the SIX blogs I own, not to mention the two books ("What's Wong IN America!" and "Pay ATTENTION to Politics!" Both available on Amazon) I’ve written about the crime and corruption in this country’s government. I don’t have to “hunt,” it’s all right there, right in the open to those who pay attention. It’s not even HIDDEN any more. Obama appointed an ADMITTED communist as one of his "czars." Glenn Beck exposed it and he had to resign under pressure, but Glenn was predictably vilified for it. they hate him even more than Rush for that.

Take the communists who are active in our government: In the fifties and sixties, they hid themselves until ferreted out by people like Senator McCarthy, who was vilified, even by people in his own party for doing it . . . but he has been proven to be right in most cases. Maybe his tactics were a little extreme, but that’s what was necessary to expose them. Today it isn’t necessary for the communists to “hide themselves.” Now they proudly proclaim that they ARE communists and Obama dutifully appoints them to powerful positions in his government. Obama is a dedicated radical SOCIALIST and that is “ first cousin” to communism. Call me nuts if you want, call me a "radical." But you’ll soon find out how true it is as they become stronger and more confident. I may not live to see it come, but if we don’t “wake up,” and SOON, we’re going to be the next “Soviet Union,” under a new name. If it is "radical" to want to make my own decisions and keep more of the money I EARN, and for the government to obey the Constitution, then so be it. (Accuracy In Media)

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