Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Muslim Lovers?

New York’s Mayor Bloomberg, who Ben Stein says “must be the biggest fool in the world right now,” is bound and determined that Muslims be allowed to build their mosque almost ON TOP of the site where Muslim terrorists murdered 3,000 innocent people, many of them CHILDREN. So does President Obama, who is at least as much of a fool as is Bloomberg. Would FDR have allowed the Japanese to build a monument to the “brave Japanese soldiers” right on top of the sunken Navy ships (that they sunk) at Pearl Harbor? He’d have been “Tarred and feathered” and run out of town on a rail if he had. I think we should do that to these two fools.

They SAY it’s “about religious tolerance.” It’s not. It’s about Muslims “crowing” about their “victory,” however accidental (they were just as surprised as we were when those buildings came down) it might have been. They ALWAYS build a mosque on the sites of their greatest victories to commemorate them for Muslims everywhere. This entire war is about religion: theirs. They want their religion to prevail over all others. They aren’t bashful about telling us they want to kill ALL “Infidels.” What are “Infidels?” That’s easy. Infidels are ANYBODY who does not believe the same way THEY do, and that includes other Muslims who don’t believe EVERYTHING that they believe in. (News Busters)

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