Sunday, October 17, 2010

What FOOLS They Be!

What kind of a fool demands we accept a “pig in a poke and thinks we'll accept it?” That’s what Nancy Peelosi and every Democrat who demanded the Congress pass Obama’s health care SWINDLE bill into law in order to “find out what’s in it” are. DAMN fools! And Congress was stupid enough to do it. They were AFRAID to tell us what’s in that bill because they KNEW we would not like it. Now it is LAW, and we’re finding our what’s in it, and we DON’T like it. We are going to “throw the bums out” in November, and good riddance to bad rubbish! Never have we had a bunch of members of Congress who are so stupid. Hopefully we never will again. (Breitbart)


Anonymous said...

We do not have to wait for November. We can request absentee ballots and vote the scum out now! :)

Anonymous said...

I am running to my mailbox every afternoon to see if my ballot has arrived yet. :):):)

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Depending on where you live, it'll probably have the Democrats pre-checked when you get it.

Anonymous said...

LOL. Well, I have some white out.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: You'll probably need it.

Anonymous said...

Nope! Don't need the white out. They never bothered to SEND me my ballot! So tomorrow I will vote in person, which means standing on line. Last election year I stood on line for 2 1/2 hours in the sun. I hope it is not as long this time.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: I had no choice but to vote by mail-in ballot. I can't stand in line much more than 5 minutes before my legs give out. But I made sure there wasn't even a blemish that might be read as a vote for a Democrat.

Anonymous said...

I did not have to stand on line even a second this morning (7:10 am). I went straight to the table and got my ballot. It took me longer coloring in the dots than it took to go in and get my ballot. I voted the buggers OUT! Not a "Democrap" in the lot.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Good thing you didn't get there later.