Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Liberals Scared to Death

The “Tea Party” has frightened liberals so much that’s all they can talk about. Ultra liberal has-been singer Harry Belafonte says “Tea Parties” are close to pulling off their nefarious scheme.” WHAT “nefarious scheme?” Demanding smaller government? Demanding we stop spending more money than there IS? Pushing to throw out all those liberal Democrats OR Republicans who voted with Obama on his efforts to make this into a socialist nation? (If you don’t know what socialism is and why it is bad for us, you’d better learn, and quick)? The “Tea Party” is not an organization. It is just a name given to the people (like me) who have had it up to here with Obama and his crowd and are going to vote all his accomplices out of office, and then HIM in 2012. If that’s a “nefarious scheme,” I’ll take it. (The Blaze)

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