Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Matthews Has Orgasm Over Obama

He said he had a “tingle up his leg” over Bill Clinton, thus showing his complete ignorance, and that he should not be trying to lie to Americans. But even after that outrageous claim, he kept his job. I guess because his bosses mostly feel the same way. Now he’s doing it again, saying Obama is a “perfect president.” He didn’t use the “tingle” word this time, maybe because he got such big laughs last time. But you can tell the very thought of Obama gives him an orgasm. Maybe he should try to get Queen Michelle to divorce Obama so he can marry him. (News Busters)


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a plan...

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Can't add anything to that.

Anonymous said...

In other words, "But you can tell the very thought of Obama gives him an orgasm. Maybe he should try to get Queen Michelle to divorce Obama so he can marry him" sounds like a plan!