Sunday, October 24, 2010

Paul Krugnman Favors 91% Top Tax

What the hell has this guy been smoking? Does he really think people will invest their money and work for more if the government takes 91% of it? He says “the rich” don’t really do much for the rest of us. That's a LIE. The truth is, “the rich,” those who EARN their riches, do EVERYTHING for us. Their investments CREATE all the jobs there are. People who work with them BECOME rich. Without them and their investments, NOBODY would have a job and nobody would earn ANY money. And this guy PRETENDS to be an economist? He actually won a Nobel Prize for it, thus proving ANYBODY can win a Nobel Prize in ANYTHING, whether or not he/she is any good at it. Taking 91% of the money earned removes INCENTIVE, just as socialism does. If you know 91% of what you earn will be stolen from you, you won’t bother to earn anything. The big problem is that politicians LISTEN to this kind of stupid advice. (The Blaze)


Anonymous said...

If they were going to take 91% of my earnings, I would move to another country. It is really sad the direction this country is going.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: That's the problem. There is no other country you can move to where it's better. This is, so far, the "last bastion" of ANY kind of freedom. If we lose it all here, there's nowhere to go.

Anonymous said...

Truth to tell, the only other country I could think of was Canada, and they have their own problems, like with health care. I have friends there who tell me about it. They make regular trips across the line into the US to shop because it is less expensive. They also come here to mail packages - - TO CANADA!! It is less expensive and gets there in 1/2 the time.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: What'd I tell you? Canada is a socialist nation already. Their "national health care" is a system the liberals point to, yet the Canadian government itself is trying to end it because it costs them too much and kills too many people. In Britain, whose system they base theirs on, ambulances are made to wait outside of hospitals for hours, with very ill and sometimes dying people inside them because of a bureaucratic edict that a patient MUST be seen within a certain amount of time after coming through the ER door. This is the system Obama wants to emulate.

Anonymous said...

I guess if they passed another mandate saying patients were not allowed to die in ambulances, they would just stack them on the street to die and drive away, happy that they did not break the law.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Ity was not a "law" to which I referred, but an "edict" by a nameless, faceless bureaucrat, and caused many deaths. But they don't talk about such things.