Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"The Rich" Are NOT "Filthy Rich"

Obama (who is rich) and other liberals (most of whom are rich if they've been in Washington very long) talk about “the rich” as if everybody whose income is over $250,000 is “filthy rich.” That they can all afford to buy their flat-screen televisions, luxury cars, yachts, and other things rich people (they think) buy every day. Only problem is, people making only $250,000 a year are NOT “rich.” They’re just “well-to-do.” I’d bet my own sister and her husband together make that much. But they’re not “rich.” They are being besieged even now with credit harassment phone calls, and have had to just quit answering their phone at all to avoid them. And they PAY their bills. It’s Obama’s policies that are making life difficult for them. Every dollar they earn is worth less every day with Obama counterfeiting more and more dollars every day (something the government puts people [other than themselves] in PRISON for doing).

They tell us (rightly) that counterfeiting undermines the worth of our money, and they’re right. What they DON’T tell you is that THEIR counterfeiting does, too. They confidently say, “The rich will keep buying their luxuries, even if we DO tax them more." They have money to burn. More taxes will not hurt them. It is this kind of ignorant attitude that will conquer this nation from within if they keep “running the country” based on it. The truth is, there aren’t enough “rich people” to finance all their “flights of fancy” and “giveaway programs.” They need to learn this and stop taking money away from the very people who are the ONLY ones who actually DO ”create jobs” and profits for others by their investment. When are these ignorant politicians going to learn this very basic fact? (Just common sense)

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