Saturday, June 12, 2010

Terrorists Mourn Their Dead

They tried to “run the blockade,” and were WARNED that ANY ship approaching Gaza would be searched. All they had to do was peacefully allow the search and then go on their way (IF there was no contraband on board). But no; they ATTACKED the Israeli search team and got nine of their number killed. Now they’re whining to the United Nations while "mourning their dead." (Looks more like a celebration of a successful setup, to me), an organization MADE UP OF dictators and despots, and they got a resolution CONDEMNING Israel’s defense of itself against a KNOWN terrorist organization, HAMAS, and the U. S. did not veto it, which is unconscionable. Israel has an inherent right to defend itself without interference from this corrupt organization. The UN had no business putting its prod into the situation in any case. (Mail Times)

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