Sunday, June 27, 2010

Drug War Makes It Worse

Let me say first thing that I am NOT a “druggie.” I’m probably the only person in the country who doesn’t even know what pot TASTES like, though after 18 years as a paramedic, I certainly know what it SMELLS like. Many of the people I scraped off the sidewalk and the street were there because of one drug or another, from pot right on up. But I have to ask a simple question: “What GOOD has the “drug war” done?” How many people are abusing drugs today as opposed to the number using BEFORE the “drug war” started? MORE. Which shows me the “drug war” is useless as a deterrent to illicit drug use, but a “handy tool” for cops and politicians to use in taking away our rights.

As witness the RICO laws, DESIGNED to stop cash-flush drug dealers from making federal prosecutors look silly in court, which, in itself is unconstitutional. Today, cops can stop you on the street with NO warrant, search you, steal any cash you have on you, only having to say “It MUST be drug money.” All this because of the “drug war.” Laws against drug use do NOTHING to stop, or even REDUCE access to illicit drugs, so why do we keep making them? It has been said, “Doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result is insanity.” Yet our politicians insist on doing just that, with both drugs AND guns. (John Stossel/Town Hall)

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