Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Pattern of Corruption

They’re desperate. The Obama administration is showing a pattern of Chicago-style corruption in a desperate attempt to stay in power after raping this country for all it can give. Obama has looted and pillaged the taxpayers of this country like no president before him. His people offered Congressman Joe Sestak a job in a futile effort to keep him from running against Arlen Specter (which did no good, since Specter lost in the primaries anyway). They offered Colorado Democrat Andrew Romanoff any one of THREE jobs in Washington if he would not get into the race against Colorado’s appointed Senator. These are just the two instances we KNOW about, which means there are any number of felony job offers out there we DON’T know about. They know they’re going to be “massacred” in the next two elections, and they’re trying anything they can to minimize it. Even the liberal press can’t ignore it. (Washington Post)

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