Thursday, June 10, 2010

Peaceful Muslims?

Not even. The Imam who is going to build the Islamic mosque within feet of the site of the biggest Islamic terrorist-made disaster ever CLAIMS to be “one of the peaceful ones.” But he is not. He is we’ll known to the FBI and the CIA, and the Homeland Defense Agency as a recruiter for “Jihad.” And building a mosque that close to the disaster CREATED by Islamic terrorists is an AFFRONT to ALL Americans and he knows it He WANTS to insult us and “throw it in our face” that Islamic terrorists killed so many people there. I have to say, I wouldn’t be surprised (though I don’t condone it) if somebody caused an explosion that takes out his new mosque if he actually tries to build it. That’s not bigotry, it’s common sense—which apparently he doesn’t have. (Just common sense)

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