Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Drilling in ANWR

The liberals want you to believe ANWR is a lush, warm, lovely place where lots of people live, and that drilling in the small “postage-sized” part of it DESIGNATED for drilling. Not so. It is unpopulated tundra, all but uninhabitable to humans. Drilling there will not appreciably damage ANYTHING there and any “damage” would be temporary and easy to reverse. The difficulty of stopping the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico is because they were FORCED to drill that far out, and that deep by the government’s “environmental restrictions” on drilling anywhere else. Had we been able to drill closer in, and less deep, any spill would have been minimal and easy to stop. Why does nobody talk about this?” Because then we would be able to put the blame directly where it belongs: on this government and their “environmental restrictions.” (“Thought You Should Know”)

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