Saturday, June 5, 2010

Obama Announces New Restriction On Oil

Obama’s chief of staff, Rahm Emmanuel, famously said, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” And Obama means to take as much advantage of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill as he can. He has openly told us about his hate for oil companies, and here is his chance to crap on any attempts to drill close into shore where it’s easy and he’s going to do it. He is ready to announce new restrictions on oil drilling within the United States, despite the fact that less drilling here means more dependence on oil coming from people who HATE us. People for whom WE found and developed the oil before they “nationalized (stole) it so they could sell it to us at confiscatory prices. This man is so STUPID I don’t know if he WILL make it to the 2012 election! Damn, what a jerk! (New York Times)

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