Sunday, July 19, 2009

"Thought Crime"

George Orwell wrote (In his landmark book, "1984) about the government making laws against what THEY considered to be "thought crime" and prosecuting citizens for what they were THINKING. “Many Americans can only shake their heads at the nutty excesses of multiculturalism in Canada, where ‘Human Rights Commissions’ prosecute conservatives and Christians for ‘hate crimes’ because they speak their minds about Islam or homosexuality. That kind of thing could never happen here, right? Wrong, reveals HUMAN EVENTS -- the use of Canadian-style ‘commissions’ to stifle free speech is already under way in some American cities and localities.” They’re working to pass a “hate crimes” law right now in this country (as this is written). Under this “law,” they can “define” what you say as a “hate crime” and prosecute you for it. That makes it a subjective law, which should never be allowed to pass. (Just common sense)

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