Tuesday, July 7, 2009


That’s what liberals say about Sarah Palin. That she can’t properly express herself; that she’s “just a back-woods hick (the liberals’ words) who lucked into the governorship. But they’re (as usual) wrong. She was (outside of Obama) the most articulate candidate in the presidential race in 2008; and if she runs at the top of the ticket in 2012 (without McCain to “muzzle her” so she can’t say ALL the things she COULD have said), she’ll win in a landslide; especially if she has somebody like Bobby Jindal as her running mate. And liberals are “in terror” at that possibility, since they “shot their wad” getting Obama and the rest of the “top-level swindlers” elected, thereby accomplishing a “bloodless (I think) coup to take over the U. S. government. They’re now reporting that she “resigned” as Governor of Alaska, (which is true, but not the whole story, as usual). What she said on her “Twitter” page is that she simply announced she would not be running for re-election when her term ended. And that, rather than be a “lame duck,” she’s resigning so the Lt. Governor (who will rise to the office of governor) has nothing “holding him back” while Alaska pays a “lame-duck governor” to run around making speeches.

They say as a reason that she has had to spend too much money defending herself against all the (phony) charges being laid against her (ALL of which, so far, have failed). But if those charges are related to her governorship, it would be legal for the state itself to pay those legal bills (though she doesn’t want to drain the state that way unnecessarily). And they think she is stupid enough to think resigning will stop the attacks. Whether she’s actually resigning makes no difference to her presidential possibilities. That makes them “wet their pants (or dresses)”. What REALLY scares them is that she’ll have more time to devote to a winning campaign. They know that every time an “unashamed conservative” runs AS a conservative (not as “liberal lite" CLAIMING to be conservative), they DO win in a landslide. Reagan did it twice. He’s dead and they’re still “badmouthing” him. Which means they’re still afraid of him. I hope this country can survive Obama long enough for her to “kick him out of office” and start repairing the damage he will have done. Reagan did it to Jimmy Carter and I hope she will do it to Obama. She used a basketball metaphor I think is apt: she’s “passing the ball” to other players on her team” to “get things done.” She is by no means “quitting.” As General MacArthur said, she’s “advancing in another direction.” (Palin’s Announcement)

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