Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Obama's Lies

And this is just about his health care swindle. He says you will get to keep your doctor. Of course, more and more doctors are no longer accepting Medicare patients because the reimbursement rate has gone down so much. What do you think they’ll do when Medicaid does the same? They don’t mention that. Obama himself has said his “medical czar” will be able to DENY lifesaving treatment to “people for whom it will not help for long.” I’m 73 years old. What if I need another bypass? A recent STENT implantation cost the government $22,000.00 and statistically (and that's under coverage I PAID for), I’m not going to live much longer, anyway; so why spend the money? That would be a literal DEATH SENTENCE for me, and that scares the hell out of me. They say you can get insurance without exclusions for pre-existing conditions.” That’s a LOAD! Pre-existing conditions are a fact of life. To force insurance companies to cover people with an existing life-threatening condition is STUPID! But being stupid hasn’t stopped Obama before. (Heritage Foundation)

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